Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1633

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INDEX. clxxvii Sulphur BWV, T¢$·_<md Ark-, 1**86- Sundry Civil Expenses Appr0priatio·n.s—C0n. PNZ6- Valp mprmtion for improvement. of , 1092 under War Department, for Engineer De- 8 pgur $1>¤7u1¤_Rqs¢(¤¤¢im·, Okla., _ partmeuts; harbors, sic .. 72.6,1244 GXCIUSIVB ]l1tlSd1Ciil0I1 by United State l nation;] cemeteries __________________ 740, 1346 0**9*3 °°mi¤“°d_ -··-—-------- · ----- 272 t miscellaneous, military posts ..,. 742, 1348 excluded from selection of school lands, International Waterways Commisetc., by Oklahoma.; .. 272 sion ___________________________ 743,1351 Dame changed to Platt Nauonal Park ., 837 military uks _______ ___ _ _____ 743 1349 Summit Place N W., D. C'., mincial iimbti, etc ... 744; 1350 proceedings to condemn lands for extend- New York Harbor . 745 1351 i¤S;· -; ·----·-----·-·-·----------- 846 beacons, ctc., Hanlnmn Roads ... i 1351 °PP'°Pmm°¤ for ·----·--------.-.--·-- 846 Volunteer S01dier¤’ time ... 745,1351 nga-:1:;i,9Z¥;:w place €h;¤1g9d |>0 --.------ 846 State and Territorial Homes . 749, 1356 u ’ y . . pm D . . 3. to convey Commission, etfc., to dedication , b-°ckmI:?g;;Sb°unty' ud commutation iggo 1356 of monuments Santiago de Cuba bat-mms of '`'` 750* 1356 S ur ge?/fild ‘····‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘·‘*·‘··········* 821 l distéiibutiondof slmogptgg due deceased"- h I M"' 2 . · :· . , _ t ... 750 acquiring site and erecting public building under 0D•;:;£·t;1enii JP Jusrggg for court- 8% *}¤*·h01'\Z€d ·--·--»-»---—------—-- 78l house, Washington, D. C 750, 1357

  • PP'°l?¤*2‘**°¤ *0* ·-—-·—-—----———--—- 7932 1304 peniténtiaries ... 750, 1357

Sunday, IMM IMM Auvmt miscellaneous ... 751,1ass alienation mscncupug removed. . ._ . 345 defense in shams ,_________________ 75], 1353 Sunday Sdwollmsomtwm, Imernatumal, Spanish Treaty Claims C0mmiS_ i“°°'P°F“*·‘* ·---—·--·------- . —·-~--—--- 867 sion .,..., .,,, 752 1359 Sundry Owa Ez?""," AT’P'°P'”‘““°’“· . enforcing antitrust laws ...,. 752: 1359 under the Treasury Department, for public indexi di dug etc laws 753

 ··················· $3%  under juldiiziafelsraneh, for United-states

ggg~¤¤¤<»= ¤~¤¤<·¤¤ ·----------------· 70131307‘;Q‘ii“§€t;;.;t ;.;;.it.;t;ti;.;.gt ········· $22* {323 ' e-Savin? Service ..,.. 701, 1307 d D f S `'`' ’ - Revenue- utter Service .,... 702,1308 un °' Alzphmwt ° bt?“» fo? Bureau Of _ Engraving and Printing Bureau . 703, 1309 f EQ? R°Pu hcsv bmw9g ----- 7**8 Smithsonian Institution  : 704, 1310 °B°u{C °r ug? ················- · ······· 1357 Interstate Commerce Commission...- 705, 1311 . mss cq Flmtce ············-··· --· 1357 iitiififtitiittiitttiiitt iiittmitii mttitiitt .. vos mz Bw G¤~¤<*•= ¤¤z=¤<>¤ dm ------------- 1357 uiiitttti sm; iecimimt.; Z . ffl wsj ms mer g>\3>=·rt¤¤·>¤¤= <>f Azri¤¤¤¤r¤i fvr Mw public biiutuiigti ,. 707,1313 d*¤$¤ --------~-—·--—-----—- 75*% 1364 collecting customs revenue _. -- 1315 under legislative_ branch, for statement of Public Health and Marine-Hospital l upproprmtionsrn.: ... . . 759, 1364 _ Sm-vice ______ · _________________, 708, 1316 5 Charters and Constitutions  ;; 739 quarantine service, , _ I ,,,,,.,,,.,. 709, 1316 BQEQDIC G812d9H 409, 1365 prevention of epglemics ... 709, 1313 gmdf gxxrliamentary Pr¢·¢;der`;1;s_.1H_ .,.. l may 11 "tal, waii .,.,._.,,.. 7 ouseo epresentatives office ui ing. under Depagtslriient of Commerce and Labor, for public printing and binding. . I . 759, 1366 for imm' tion service .. 710, 1317 { for pneumatic tube service to apitol, etc- 1368 light-houses;€?acons, and fog signals. 710, 1317 for sthmian Uiuml. 2 . .: _ .. 761, 1358 Light-House Establishment , 712,1319 Canal Zone funds; distribution.:., .. 1370 Coast and Geoiletic Survey .. 713,1321 estirnates for all printing and binsling to Bureau of Fisheries . 717,1324 bu sulinutted in annual esti1iiat¤~i<_.. . 762 miscellaneous, Alaskan seul tislwries. 721,1329 ‘ no other (uuds to be used for printing Cbjnggg exclusion _____,_,_,,,_,,_ 722, 1329 uml huulmg. .. 762 11311165 from F $1*% (`PUFUF- t ···-----··- 722 1 Joint Commission on Printing continued; u&t\1l¤liZ3t.i0¥l diVlFi<>¤ --·---·-------· 1329 report on braneh offices. etc 762 ¢"X0l11¢li¤g 3U9H l¤;‘>*“’_ ·-·-··-···---· ·— 1330 solicitor of customs and assistants authorchild labor investigations  : . ._ 1330 i izltd; dm;,.s_ mlam.8, et,. ___________ 763 under Interior D0p¤l'i¤1¤¤T· {0F b\\!l<l{¤S'¤- - - 721 appraiser of merchandise, Chicago; salary _ _‘ 1330 , mma . was Capitol3i1d g!0\¤1d¤ --·------------- ;Z2· 1330 L annual statement required of all moneys pu hr? l2ndS . . .--------·---·---- i23i l??? receiver], not; paid into the Treasury. 763 Gg*0l<>¥\<'¤\I Sl¤'V€Y; ----····-—·-·-··- j26· 1634 1 salary accounts, division of payments . 763 ml¤0€ I31W0H5i national Parks ·-·-·--- *29i B37 court expenses, District of Columbia, half Suprecrnc (*0uIT B€P01’i~¤ ---------·- 729t 1337 » to be borne by District, .. 763 ¢*dW'¤U<>¤t <’i0·· m_A1”ka ·--··—·-· 729i 1337 [ electric plants in executive or municipal G0vemnJ:¢{utkH0¤p\t=1lf¢»f IHHHB- - - 730i . buildings prohibited; exception 1371 insane as si . - - _ iiititiiititit iitti tttiti stmt iittfiftititit. iti, mms =;g;;gj{rj${éfi·}_ fj _'§é_{*§ fé*_*_ fii 13,1 Howard Y11iV¤¤’SitY ·--·-····-··--·· 731¤ i spccmgitigngliziiiigsriilrggg for an appmprik "64 ’gl _,_____,_,_, .. 731 1339 I · · _ `` 7'· '''' L Fmefimeu Hwplm . ’ , provisions for Jamestown Exposition ... .64 “"“°’ ““' D°*""°"‘“"" ‘°’ “"“°"‘““‘ “‘¥§i iitt · stijztti-ti otiiitit, yttt _· __,_.. . ,. t .. 1 · - , · ·· . build$band grounds, \\’¤.shi¤gtOn_ y may bridge Sunfiower R1ver,Li—hi·t;on ._,_,_ 539 D. ‘ .., 733 1341 Simjlouer Rircr. traveling expenses of the President .. i 1342 bridge authorized across. at Lehrton. Miss. 539