Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/161

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FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 1660, 1661. 1906. 131 Sec. 3. That the Government of the United States reserves the l·°°"“· °°°· right, at any time that the improvement of the navigation of Bear River demands it, to construct, maintain, and operate, in connection with any dam or other works built under the provisions of this Act, suitable lock or locks or any other structures for navigation purposes, and at all times to control such dam or dams or other structures, and the level of the pool caused by such dam or dams, to such an extent as may be necessary to provide facilities for navi ation; and whenever Congress shall authorize the construction of suc? lock or other structures, the person, company, or corporation owning and controlling such dam or dams or other structures shall convey to the United States, under such terms as Congress shall prescribe, titles to such land as may be required for the use of such lock and approaches, and in addition thereto shall grant to the United States, free of cost, the free use of water power for building and operating such constructions: Pro- Pr¢>v¤¤· vided, aZs0, That the person, company, or cor ration building, main- mmages. taining, or operating any dam or dams or otlifr structures under the provisions of this Act shall be liable for any damage that may beinflicted thereby upon private roperty, either by overflow or otherwise, and the nearest State or Igederal court shall have jurisdiction to hear suits to determine the amount of compensation for alleged damage. The person, company. or corporation owning or operating any such riz1=¤.¤¤=- clam shall maintain, at their own ex nse, such lights and other signals thereon and such fishways as the Sgcretary of Commerce and Labor F*¤l“'•Y* shall prescribe. Sec. 4. That all the rights acquired under this Act shall cease and '°"°““'°· _ be determined if the person, company, or corporation acquiring such right shall at any time fail to comply with any of the provisions or requirements of this Act, or with any of the stipulations that may be prescribed by the Chief of Engineers and the Secretary of War, or in urine of ummuecase a person, company, or corporation authorized by the laws of the °"‘ State of Mississip i to erect and maintain a dam and improvements as contemplated by (gis Act shall fail to begip the erection of said dam and improvements within one year after ing so authorized and shall fail to complete the same within three years after obtaining such authority. » Sec. 5. That the provisions of this Act shall in no manner interfere mQ$gg* ¤8¤¤ ¤°* •·*· with or impair the rights of any person, company, or corporation ` heretofore authorized by Congress to erect a dam or other structures for the development of water power on the Tennessee River. Sec. 6. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is expressly A¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤*~ reserved. Approved, April 23, 1906. CHAP. 1661.-An Act Making an appropriation for the improvement of the t\§¤‘iéZ;5389% mouth of the Columbia River. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Cbngress assembled, That the sum of four hun-_0g_*;¤l;*1‘g$:_h*f*'¤· dred thousand dollars be, and is hereby, appropriated, to be paid out _ Appmpmuou t io; of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to be imme- },,’{’,,§’,‘f,‘j"°’"°° ° diately available, and to be expended under the direction of the Sec- rw, p. ms. retary of WVar and the supervision of the Chief of Engineers, for continuing the improvement at the mouth of the Columbia River, Oregon and Washington, in accordance with the existing pro]ect. Approved, April 23, 1906.