Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1525

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INDEX. lxix Genoa, Italy, P•ge. 1 G ‘ ai

h iE i   d                         curgm, iggwmtm mul Guy' R lmad Cam Page
  • PP"’P*’“m°¤ f°' °1°¥'k hrw -·--------... 294, 924 [ may briclgiae (éhattahoochee Rive; at Stgam-

Genoa, Nebr., mi »_ 8 ---- . .. . 931 ·pPmPfistion for Indian Bch00L _____ 355 1039 Alliance, D. C., The Nu- G‘°d°°” MT J'? Mj"‘"""""" °f A ”“’ i¤¤¤rp<>¤¤wd’; sw , ’ hw, ew . . . 928 . . ’ " "M w'"" · German Baptist Bremmnihum D. C. sprroprmtiou for annual quota .. 291, 921 mms refunded ’ ’ 869 or expenses of delegate to.. 715, 1322 GMM, 0,.pMn ''"’` ‘ G¤ologiml Sw—v¢y,appropriation for cue), e€c.,.i>f children iu; splvmprpatiqn for Dimcmr, clerks, etc . . 726, 1334 °°¤¤‘°¤'? ---· _ ---- · · ------ · ··-·--- 512, 1153 or sqxemxfic assistants .. 727, 1335 G¢"’W”WW'*· Pa-, SW Md Rmb Swieiy, gqignmging of pgy pgrmiggqd _________ 727 bell of lute s100p of war "G¢muautown" reimbursement for expenses, . , . ____ _ _ _ 727 pI’9S8Dt0d to . , . . , . , _ 828 for general cxpcnscn . ·. . . 727,*1335 ‘G”"’**M°'””»” S1007H`./` WW', for skilled laborers, ctc ..,,.,_,,____, 727, 1335 bell of, prawn jo Genmnwwu, Pa., for wpugzpphicd gm-veyg ,,,,_,______ 727, 1335 Sntc and Relic Society . , ...,., _ 828 for geological surveys ,.,, 727, 1336 Gwtwly, for pglgmmlqgic yugyghes ________ 727, 1333 apgaropnatiou for ambassador to ... . . 286, 916 for investigating minmnl resources of OY °°°¥'°WYY Of °mb¤“Y —-~--- ·- -· -- - - 287, 917 Alaska ,,,_____,._,_,,,,_ _ _________ 1336 for scqoud secmury .. , , -, ,,_, 287, 917 for chemical md physical mmcim. 727, me f¤r tlurd socmmqy., .. .. .- 287,918 for preparing ilhmtmtiom ..,,.,,.._. 727, 1336 d¢ii<>l¤¤CX ¤}gpr0{>¤ut10u for Samoan claims 635 for report on mineral resources ... 727, 1336 G¢“!I·'b’“7'9_ FW""' 06m6W1I, Pa-, im- books, qu; _______________________ _ 127, ;335 approprmtion for superin¢¤.udem;’¤ lodge __ 74] my geologic;} mpg ,___,,,,_,_,______ 727, 1335 Gcttyslmrg Ngtimwl Park, Pa., furnishing transfers, etc., cri data; *PP¤F¤¤¤°¤ l0!' 6¤t°bh¤hi¤§ ------ -- ·- 744, 1350 chugu ...,..,, ,, 727 Ghmt, ¢l9W’m, im- gauging wggcy supply _____________ 728, 1335 plasniiicstioxi and salary of consul .,,,,,,,_ 100 for investigating structural materials. 728, 1335 GW'"]!?, SPN", mmuug, etc.,iua1.s; wiiecimn or mate » 91=¤¤¤s6¤¤¤<>¤ and salary of consul .. - -. 100 rms ___________________________ 128, 1335 Gala Rwzrjnyiian Reamatimi, Ariz., for survey of forest reserves .. 728, 1336 “PPNPmm°¤ lm' c°¤¤¤’“°l·l¤8 \¤'i8¤*·i¤8 for sddiuonsl stungé mom, etc . 728 iyvwm ivr z · ---·--·----·.- 333 im naamm me .. me Glwavw and Bmw, 4VOM-,

;•;0ks, etc:, fg recyimztiqn service   . 1336 G 6¤*$b¤¤;¢;i9 b0¤¤d$1'1¤¤; UKW-- - . ... 929

gon ____________________________ I 728 bndgti autliinrizod across Missouri River, at, 818 for reclamation service, rent., ctc ... 728 61**90*% SQMM, allowance to elisbursing ciiicer ... 729c1”¤¥H°¥¤9¤ md ¤¤l¤'Y Pi ¢0¤¤¤l - - ·--- -- 99 gm- I-cm _____________________________ 434 gyg l appropriation for clerk hire . . . . . . ,. , , ,, 294, 924 for engraving illustrations ... 760, 1367 Gl“W*’”}u» G€"’”·*m!/- for pmnting md binding __________ _ _ 76{) 1367 l clasmiicatnon and salary of consul . 100 deficiency appropriation for . 47, 667, 669 { Gl°'““·”€", M“~*$·» for investigating black sands; mnt . 37 i *PP{°l{“**u°¤ fm {mP[°V°m¤¤*· of MINT- 736 for investigating Ahska mineral ,8, · pmluugggy examination of harbor to be sources 37 _ 8 --···--···--- · ·----—····-—·--- my gmiogacd maps . .. .. .. 47,1402 l Gi•z~~:=M1¤¤, N -_ Y-, _ for surveying forest reserves ______ 47 66'L 1402 L limit of cogst increased. public building . . . 773 fm. James W Spence,. ____ _____________ 654 appr0pr1ation fur. .. . ,..,,.,,,, ,, ,, 789 printing ordered of fourth annual report of G°“”» _ _ _ Reclamation gm-`4(-6 _______ __ _ ____ _ 836 1 PTOVISEJLIS for £1sp€ct 10n . carcgsges,

I' LIC Z l ··

George Washington I/'niwrraity Hospital, D. C'., eggn£Omm8;.; 1 jl ?f (:524 1260 Bpproprimivrr for cm <=f i¤<1iz¤¤¤ p¤¤i<>¤¤¤- [ com and sum mmm, ’ transporting, etc., with lineuess falsely Georgetown, British Guiana. marked, unlawful. ...,... , 260 classification and salary of consul. 99 i gold; deviation in marked iiueness alnppmpriatiun for clerk hire ... . . 294. 924 5 Iowed 260 Georgetown University Ho;pit¢il, D. C'., · cgi -· -— ·- -· -- ·· · · .· -1 ;a ie. i appmpmmon fm cme 0 mC mem [hmcms ilmj i silver; deviation in mrgilied fineness al- Oeory/ia, F lnnkla and Alabama Ruiluruy Cbm- req1£:;‘;Até ; · ;_} jJih·,; 261 pl' ! · , ‘ my '*{*"#jfm‘Q:;'{j;f‘{’°9r*;`•j]°kff,{"°' "°"”°°" 3,,4 i imgriigiiiii '¢ifié}{é§A ééqhiiédfj Z] ff ff ZZ 'ol . e I' .. . . .. - - my *···¤¤ ¤¤~<>. *»¤<1¤¤— =·¤··>¤¤ <‘*·¤¤=·- "'“‘°",§';‘L~‘i‘E.i .‘TT*TT¥f{'€ .T`?‘?T‘TT‘?‘}. TC'. .?T’{‘? ml gmggmkggry Eufaub" Ah" to 225 use of " s§erling" nr " c0in" prohibited Georgia Smtthzrn Judiczhl District, Runishmqnt for violationg .. I . 262 smnthwestern diviniun abolished, and Al- signiticatwn of ‘urt1<·les ot merchandise" .. 262 bgmy meme:} ,.,, , . . . . .. . . . 547 original packages nut exempt -- . .. 262 muntim assigned ,,_,. .. ..., 547 in effect in one year ,...,. . . ., . .. 262