Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1512

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1v1 INDEX. East Norwalk, Conn., P¤B€· Education, D. C'. (see Public Schools, D. O.). PRG- appropriation for improvement of harbor- . 1076 i Education of Children, D. C., Compulsory, East Pass, Fla. , attendance at school of all children between appropriation for improveme nt of . ... 1086 8 and 14 years old . 219 East Pearl River, Miss., penalty for neffect, etc., of parent 219 preliminary examination of, to be made - . 1114 instruction of abitual truants ... 220 East River, N. K, truant officers authorized 220 appropriation for lighting .. 712, 1320 penalty for inducing unlawful absence, etc. 220 or 1mprovement of, and Hell Gate; re-mspection of laces employing minors 220 survey . . 1078 penalty for false statements of attendance, preliminary examination of, to be made, etc 220 between North and South Brother Education of the Blind, islands ... 1115 permanent annual appropriation for .. 460 East Saint Louis, Ill., .Eduoat·io· Institutions, D. C., acquiring site and erecting public building y deficiency appropriation for refund of speat, authorized .. - - - - 778cial taxes .. 1380 appropriation for ... 792, 1298 refund of taxes erroneously charged on East as i-ngton Station Colored Methodist ézroperties of .. 869 Egiaoopal Churcla, D. C'., Eggs of amc Birds, . taxes re nded .. _ . 869 prohibition against taking, etc., from breed- Eastern Dispensary, D. C., · ing grounds ... 536 appropriation for care, etc., of indigent pa- Eibenstock, Germany, tients . 510, 1151 classification and salary of consul . 100 deficiency appropriation for indigent pa- 1Kght—Hour Law, tients 1378 not applicable to work on Isthmian Canal. 33 Eastern Market House, D. C., to unskilled alien laborers on Panama appropriation for addition to . 1126 Canal ,... 669 Eaattoirn Star Horse, C., 92 Eighth Judicial Cgircwit, ti e changed y ding' "Masonic" .. appropriation or messe er, etc., circuit Eastman, Demos, Indian Allottcc, count of apgeals- . 447, 992 _ feesimple title to .. . 357 Oklahoma judic districts attached to . . . 275 Easton, a., Eighth Ltyht-House District, · - acquiring site for public building at, au- eticiency appropriation for repxairing, etc., thorized .. 784 buildings destroyed by urricanes.. 842 a ropriation for .. 795 tender authorized for ... , 995 Eau gliiirc, ms., appropriation for .. 1319 limit of cost increased, public building . . . 774 Q Eighth Street N W, D. C'., Ebenezer African Methodist Episcopal Church, ¤ deficiency appropriation for expenses ex- D. C., I tending ... 641 ‘ taxes refunded .. 870 1 El Camy, Cuba, Echo Bay, M K, f use of transport "Sumner" to convey Comappropriation for improvement of . 1077 I mission, ctc., to dedication of battle preliminary examination of, to be made . . 1115 I monuments ... . 821 Ecuador, _ I Elba, Ala., appropriation for minister to ... 287; 917 dam authorized across Pea River near 18 Edu Home, DA C., The, 62 i Elections, Politigal, b I ` incorporate ; urposes, etc .. 1 money contri utions co rations or, Minwrgh, Sootlgnd, rohibited .. . . .. 864 classi cation and salary of consul. 99 Electric Farr, Postal Service, appropriation for clerk hire 294, 924 appropriation for mail service by .. 474, 1213 Edmm _ lcctric Company of Wyomwgs t Electric Light and Power Companies, Indian permits to occupy land, etc., in n Ber- Territory, nardmo, terra, and San Gabriel for; ‘ provisions for rrglits of way, dams, etc 146 _ est reserves, Cal- .. 163 | E ectric lzipht and crwcr Statistics, Edu Each, Woah., _ ‘ to be co lected every five years .. 219 fog-szgnal authorized . 324 I Electric Light, ccc., Companm, D. C., de_c1ency appropriation for. ... 660 I detailed annual reports required irom 1134 Education. Association of the United States,Electnb- Motor Vessels, _ National,steamboat-inspection provisions for ... 194 incorporated; purposes, powers, etc ... 804 Electric Plants, Army, Blucatton, Bureau of, ’ appropriation for gun and mortar batteries- 462, appropriation for Commissioner, clerks, i 1059 etc .. 432,978 sale of s lus l' tand wer use of rofor books. etc . . . t . ._ . 433, 978 eggs .. K) Z .. 251, 1167 for collecting statistics ... 433, 978 Electric Plants, D. C., for documents, apparatus, etc 433, 978 installing, in executive or municipal buildfor rent- .. _ 1 . 434, 979 ,prohibited; exception _,,._____ 1371 employees, etc., in Alaska may assign pay; Electr~£oal]D:partment. D. C'., _ reimbursement for expenses . .. 824 appropriation for salaries ... 496, 1132 Eiucutwn, Qommummwr of, or contingent expenses ... . . 496, 1133 appropriation for, clerks, etc ... 432, 978 for placing wires underground. .. 496, 1133 or printing and bmding Annual Report for exten ing lice—patrol system. . . 496, 1133 of .. 1 - - 760, 1367 for fire-alarm gxes, etc .,,,.,, 496 to supervise expenses, etc., education of for movi fire-alann apparatus to mu- Alaska natives, etc 1338 nici]i§ buildings ,,.,,_.,, Z ___,,____ 1133