Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1509

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Didrict of Qolumbakz-Continued. Pm- District of Columb·ia—-Continued. Pmincorporatums, National Safe Deposit, Saw- streets, etc., extension of Fessendeu street ings and Trust, Company, name NW ___,__,_____,..___,.___.,_ 855 plumgcd I .. 868 extension of Forty-fnfth street NW .. 1004 Natnonal Soqnety, Sons of the American extension of Fourth street NE .. 857 R0V0l¤U0¤ ·---»-- ; -------------- : - - 227 extension of Franklin street NE _,__ 844 Supreme Lodge, _Kmghts of Pythms, extension of Geneseo place NW . 846 property holdmgs. . .: . 934 extension of Harvard street NW 856 charger amended, Mssomc Mutual Relief extension of Kglgming road ____________ 616 580013 |0¤ --------·-----··--------- 214 extension of K str t NW ,,...,,, 856 Gund Lodge Independent Order of Odd extension of Mgclglnglln street NW 853 Fellows may sell Odd Fellows Hall. 614 extension of Meridian place NW 846 purchase; etc., of other property extension of Monroe street NE . 1222 authorized -----·-··-··--····-·--·- 614 0H9D510D of New Hampshire avenue to Fnstem Sear Hgmféupgme Suhangd be District lim; _____.,_,_,____,,. . 1004 Masomc sn tem tar ome; extension of Pafk place ..,. 1012 dl!'0€t0!¤ ¤dd€d -—-------··----—---- 92 €Kt9HSl0l1 of Rhode Island avenue NE. . 15 indecent exposure, etcéglpenalty 127 extension of School street NW .. 882 mtoxxcating liquors, e lgrolubxted near extension of Second street NW . 845 _ _ Insane Asylum ome for ggegl. . 870 extension of Seventeenth street NW 854 mmxnmmnnggguom to rmuors: prohxbntnou extension of Seventh street NE . 844 exten . DAS extens n f Sh ; eassass-

..v¤.;c mm mabmbe; jmdmu., 73 méilt .%be,.2‘3?'?.?X‘?’?Tf? I ... 630

B -------------··--------·-------- Gxte s`n S' that tNE...; ... 844 license tax, storing, etc., kerosene, explo- €Xt8;Sl((;DgfS:1iD.!Ditr86l8C8 NW . 846 sives. fireworks, gasoline, etc 13 extension of T mw; giw ______________ 109] medical supervisors to succeed bo·a.rd_ of extension of Twenty-third street NW.-. 847 supervisors of medicine and phnr- extension of W street NW ______________ 845 _ macy; poweqs modified ..-. 1005 extension of W and Adams streets NW. . 1008 lll11k b0ttl9l'8g\1]Bf·l0IlS -·.- 1006 Opening highway, Water Side drive to monument by volunteer gxgemeu permitted 788 Park mad, I)_ () ____________________ 855 on reserva non 0. ... openiu Ming g NE ______________ 1244 pensions, ptolegte and fire department, opening ofWarr`<;‘s1I;1.l:::1Forty-sixthstreets exten .-------------------.---- 95 NW ...,.. 994 extended to mspect0' rs .. 1003 open' kw S` 1; th 1;;-eet, no phnrmzwy reguhmons -·-..-.-- 175 Elcikpgukaguki 1000 boardof arnmcycrestml . 1005 psrtotTeuee1,chmgedmCeH£¤r¤i; old bcaé of pharmaceumcal exnmiuers meet. ______________________,______ 50 ` h abolished.? ... - ----·-----· - - -2- lg? Sixtlé Em ucrth of V street Center 'ce remgsmzstnon . c ugton, abandoned . 521 P0 motion of rintes, ctc ... 1252 vacation 0 Alexander place and Poplar pullyrllc schools, gee tuition to nonresident street; ,,_,,_____,_.____,__,,,_, 885 pupils extended ... 113 use of parking, by adjacent owners, compulsory education of children, pro- _ EF10f 001'f€C|S6d .------·------------- 112 vjgigng _______ _ __________,___,_____ 219 wgdemug of Bladensbuxg mad- . . Q. . . . . 843 reorganization or administration 316 widening Columbia md, www of Sumilroad sidiugs permitted acroqs V street k, wcmh Street ···-—----·· · -····--···· Y 844 between Fifth md Baltimore and ta mg_away property of another, penalty Ohioright of wuy .. 521 ta ulcregzld ·····-· 127 parking of N street between First and xw rrirnious B um ‘°M um 869 ‘ S¤¤<>¤e¤ NE·*~ ¤¤¤·>¤¤i¤¤ ¤···¤*¤*¤=~* Wt.-¤n.r§“wm.¤¤ti0¤B 1i1i"1ZI‘iii i ii sm muenals ‘''‘`‘''‘'° 521 Washington and Western Mnrylmul Railrvcvfdg d€€d¤ m¤Y NPY Md *`°c°*'d5$ 994 Qonipsmy, 0xtc·nswn of line 532 ·············· . ········•······· t, onzex rtered nurses' regulations . 887 uu · I 8 · _ Slégof M L;¤~··¤ Ngg-1=;g·g—~g;;_;*-· S20 ’“°’»?,¥",‘§L'$c»“l§;Z·‘§§ E1T§l‘§;.].E§¥§3‘.1?’.?F?1 m “l“*“"~‘$ 1131 an Pano ° l °Y time of construction extended .. 536 Bieber directed .. . . 787 S · ¤=¤·=¤ by Wzht <»r ·=·¤·~¤~; ~¤¤*¤¤·>¤»- 315- 854 W” “‘?§é°,1‘lJX€“'}?t‘if. YT’Y‘T‘T’Y. T'???'. }’Tf’f'Y m bemes, poultry, and vegetables .. 315, 854 DMTM C I Code 4 sealer of wenghts and umusures, guaranty of 0 WH · _ , of bonding company allowed_ ... 94 Sec- 9- J“St‘;"°`$ of the P°“°° t° ‘”“° wm" 126 soldier organization, etc., 1Il§lg¤|3, lm- mms °r ‘‘‘‘'‘’`‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ j ‘‘'‘‘ authornzed use of, forbxdden; pen- 62 Sec. 4?1ué fpeuguoxx for coudemmtxon of 151 any ______________ _ ______________ an or s ree s ... .. gd ,9 ations for aummobues and I Sec- 4g1b, ¤¤¤y¤¤¤ <>f v<¤¤¤e>¤ -·--—-····-· 1§1 °p° 0,,h€`:]Whic;€¤; penalties ,,._____,__ 621 I gcc- 491c, ¤¤:¤¤<¤_•>f p;<>5¤¢¤<i¤¤z¤ ----------- statues, sue to be selected for Longfellow. . 830 [ °°· 491dv Fm Bcmm ° PHY ··············· mem, em., Barnaby me declared a pub- ; Sw- 491¤» l“'Y,P'°°°?d“*€S --—------—-·-—- 152 uc highway _______________________ 1011 I Sec. 491f, consndemtmn of parts of lots af- _ condemnation proceedlugs under code- . 151 5 f°°“’d ·---· _· -_ ·--·--------··-- » ···· bg Douglas changed to Chftou . 835 ‘ Sec. 491g, determming damages and beneextensiou of Albemarle street NW .. 1225 I its , . 152, 930 extension of Euclid street .. 236 where parts of lots, etc., are taken .. 930 O