Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1448

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RE SOLUTIONS. Decembei-18,1906. [No. 1}] Joint Resolution To pay the officers and employees of the Senate and __E‘J‘R‘m·] House 0 Representatives their respective salaries for the month of December, [Pub. Res.,No.1.] nineteen hundred and six, on the twentieth day of said month. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United m,‘£*°tj)”bg*°baQ$°{,';j States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the comm misses, ns Senate and the Clerk of the House of Representativesbe, and they are °°"‘°°'°°’1°°°‘ - hereby, authorized and instructed to pay the officers and employees of the Senate and House of Representatives, including the Capitol police, their respective salaries for the month of December, nineteen hundred and six, on the twentieth day of said month. Approved, December 18, 1906. January 12,1907. [N o. 2.] Joint Resolution Relating to the construction of a bridge at Fort Snell- · [H-—'·R-19**-] ing, Minnesota. `TrKbi11e<., xc. 2.] _ _ Resolved by the Senate and House of Re resentatwes of the United §i,}f"§§§ip§;,1§§§€'b, SWM9 of America in Uongress assembled, That all sums of money tween rpn suémug contributed and paid, or which may hereafter be contributed and paid, {}f§'ff;l§E,{Y,'}'"dS°’°° to the United States by the city of Saint Paul, Minnesota, or by any U{§jj{>g*j)*§;“*{fy°gg*gl§£ electric street railway company, under the provision of an Act of Conr¤u1,em. gress approved March seventeenth, nineteen hundred and six, entitled "An Act to authorize the construction of a bridge between Fort Snelling Reservation and Saint Paul, Minnesota," shall be subject to the order of the Secretary of War, and shall be expended in such manner as he may direct on account of any expenses incurred, or which may be hereafter incurred, by the United States, in or about the construcuQ;}*{,*;,jgf,eg?¤”'”°· tion of the bridge. as provided by said Act; and that the time for Ana, p. ss, amend- commencing actual construction thereof is hereby extended one year °d' from the date of the passage of this joint resolution. Approved, January 12, 1907. January ies, 190U. [No. 3.] Joint Resolution To provide for the printing of sixteen thousand copies €H··'·R·2“·] of Senate Document numbered one hundred and forty-four, Fifty-ninth Congress, [pub, Regus,] second session. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United §:;;:{*uf¤é;*;;€ 0, States of America in Congress assembled, That there be printed sixteen nm President pn; cop thousand copies of Senate Document numbered one hundred and forty- ‘°"°"°"°d °"'"°d‘ four, Fifty-ninth Congress, second session, being a special message of the President of the United States concerning the Panama Canal, to be accompanied by a map to be prepared under the direction of the Joint m*”*b“**°¤· Committee on Printing, five thousand copies for the use of the Senate, eleven thousand copies for the use of the House of Representatives to

  • 7* °'P*“°’· be distributed through the folding room. 'l`he plates owned by and in

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