Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1388

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1358 FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 2918. 1907. four thousand dollars, the money to be expended so as to give the maximum amount of employment to the inmates of said institution. 1§¤m¤{_A)1¤k¤· d Counr-Housn AND JAIL, Noun, ALASKA: For the erection of a courtjsifmr mm an house and jail at Nome, Alaska, thirty thousand dollars, to be immediately available, and the ten thousand dollars appropriated by the """’· P· 751* sundry civil of June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and six, for the erection of a jail and repairs to the court-house at Nome Alaska, 1S hereby made available for the erection of the new building herein provided for, and the Secretary of the Treasury is authorized to turn over to the Department of Justice, as a site for the erection of this building, so much of the reservation at Nome, Alaska, under the control of the Treasury Department as may be necessary for a proper site and grounds for the new building; to be expended under the direction of the court of the second division of the district of Alaska, subject to the approval of the Attorney—General. R"‘°"" S°“°°‘eD·°· Rnromu Sonooi., DISTRICT or COLULIBIAZ For the completion of new buildings to replace the main building of the Reform Sdlmool, District of Columbia, recently destroyed by fire, fifty thousand dollars, to be expended under the direction of the Attorney-General, in accordance wit plans to be approved by him, to be immediately available and to remain available until expended. b£1<gg¢;<>¤¤¤ family For the construction complete in accordance with plans to be dpre- ` pared by the Supervising Architect of the Treasury and approve by _ the board of trustees and the Attorney-General, an additional family blpildingl fioih the Riform Sxilheplol, (Distrilictd of Columbiak thirty-five thousand dollars, to e ex en un er the irection of the Attorney- General, to be immediately available, and to remain available until expended, the cost of said plans not to exceed one thousand dollars and to be paid from the amount hereby appropriated. Miscellaneous. MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS., DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. c,,§g{fgf"““g “““*’ in d ¥)EFENDIN}? SUITS IN CLAIMS AGAINST (gun UTITEI) STATES: For e 'ra Iing the necessary ex enses, inc u in sa aries o` necessar empldyees in Washington, Dilitrict of Columbiii, incurI·ed in the cxamli ination of witnesses and procuring of evidence in the matter of claims against the United States and in defending suits in the Court of Claims, including defense for the lgnited States in (the matter of French spoliation claims, to be expen cd under the irection of the Attorney- General, sixty-five thousand dollars. m_f;;f¢¢¤**°¤ ¤f Dm*1·:pTIoNfANp rk0s12pc2r31N GF. For the _ detecgaion dangl prosecu Ion o crimes agams e n1 e . es, pre in11nary om IC - ment; the investi ation of official acts, records and accounts of marshals, attorneys, cderks of the United States coiirts, and United States commissioners, for which purpose all the recoPds and dockets of said officers, without exception, shall be examined by the agents of the Attorney-General at any time; the inspection of United States prisoners and prisons; the collection, classification, and preservation of criminal identification records, and their exchange with the officials olf Sgezte and gther inptituéions, tc; bg expended undpr the direction of t e torney- }enera , an to inc u e salaries of a necessary agents in Washington, District of Columbia sixt -five thousand dollars. degggggoggéglfn Dnrnxstn IN INDIAN DEPREDATION cigmsz For salaries and ex- ` penses in defense of the Indian depredation claims, including salaries of Assistant Attorney—General in charge and necessary employees in V\`ashington, District of Columbia, to be expended under the direction _ _ of the Attorney-General, thirty-five thousand dollars. ,,$,°i$,Q“’g§,,e‘;g_g},gé PUNISHING vIoLATIoNs or mn ryrnnoounsn ACTS AND F1zAUDs: For ms. detecting and punishing violations of the intercourse Acts of Congress and frauds committed in the Indian service, the same to be expended