Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1370

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1340 FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 2918. 1907. }2g,‘;§éfQ,e{,;,,’,,c_ Powmsn Dnror, umn Dovmz, Naw Jmnsnrs For storehouses for reserve supply of war material, twenty-five thousand dollars; For increase of trans ortation facilities, five thousand dollars; d For installation of electric light and power plant, four thousand ollars; For the purchase and installation of machinery and heating plant for machine shops, five thousand dollars; For two sets of officers’ quarters, twenty-Eve thousand dollars; _ In all, sixty-four thousand dollars. §,§§§j§{*j{1"*M”“· Srruxorrnnn ARSENAL, Sramcrrunn, MASSACHUSETTSZ For general care, repair of quarters, of buildings, and machinery not used for guqnufacturing purposes, and of grounds and roads, ten thousand o lars; For a system of hre protection for the carpenter and stocking shops, four thousand dollars; In all, fourteen thousand dollars. pgaiyggkgggg WAer1·:n·rowN Ansmnn., Warnirrowu, Massaormsnrrsz The approommr qumsm. riation of two thousand five hundred dollars made by the Act of V°"’1**"u°5‘ Kiarch third, nineteen hundred and one, for moving the old two—story administration building to a new site and converting it into two sets of noncommissioned oilEicers’ quarters is hereby increased to ten thousand dollars and made available for the razing of the above—mentioned building and of four other condemned buildings for filling in and grading the sites, and for the construction, using the old materials, of two sets of noncommissioned officers’ quarters; .,, _ F°¤¤°¤'- For replacing, as far as practicable, all woodwork in the fourpilry building with IPOD, iron and concrete, or other Hre roof mate, including the necessary drawings, twenty-five thousand) dollars: F or extension of facilities for transportation of heavy weights and for loading and unloading material, ten thousand dollars; For the purchase and installation of one railroad track scale, two thousand hve hundred dollars; _ For rooting space between foundry and foundry shed, to be used for cleaning and chipping castings, including the purchase and installation of necessary hoists and heating apparatus, ten thousand dollars; In all, fifty-five thousand dollars. Testing machines. Tmsrixo MAou1N1·:s, WATFIRTOWN ARSENAL: For the necessary professional and skilled labor, purchase of materials, tools, and appliances for operating the testing machines, for investigative test an tests of United States material for constructions, an for instruments and materials for operating the chemical laboratory in connection theregvifh and for maintenance of the establishment, thirty-five thousand o ars. vmel-v1se¢,z~:.r. Warmnvrmr ARSENAL, Warnnvnmr, New Yom:: The appropriation 0; gix hundred dollars heretofore made for one oil house is hereby re e . wr feed-water purifier, two thousand dollars; For a stock room, four thousand dollars; For a motor-driven pump, and filter, three thousand dollars; d 5 or new intake pipe from river to pumping station, five thousand o ars: For relaying and repacking steam heating pipes between boilers and buildings, five thousand dollars; For repairs to stone walls, one thousand five hundred dollars; For one oil tank, two thousand dollars; gi all, twenty-two thygusand five hundred dollars. Manila, r. 1. RDNANCE Darotr, ANILA, PHILIPPINE ISLANDS: For one maga- M°g'"°°' zine, ten thousand dollars. Repcm. Rmums or Ansmunsz For repairs and improvements at arsenals and powder depots, and to meet such unforeseen expenditures as accidents