Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/136

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106 FIFTY—NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 1371, 1372. 1906. R- S-»¤°°· 1°61·P·”°· provisions of section sixteen hundred and sixty-one, Revised Statutes, as amended, and subject to all the conditions thereof. Appropmnon. Sec. 3. That the sum of twelve thousand four hundred and tive dollars and eight cents is hereby appropriated, from any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the purpose ot carrying this ~ Act into effect. Approved, April 9, 1906. Aprill 19% CHAP. 1372.——An Act To amend section forty-four huiglred and fourteen of the S‘ °°°‘] Revised Statutes of the United States, inspectors of hulls an boilers of steam vessels. [Public, N0. S9`] Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0 f Representatives of the United n§.i°s:¤y$it%T`InSp€°` States of America in Congress assembled, That section forty-four hundred and fourteen of the Revised Statutes of the United States be, and `is hereby, amended so as to read as follows: _ _ I¤¤P<?¢“>¤ of hulls "SEc. 4414. There shall be in each of the following collection dism1i1.\s?ii§;ih414,p.a¤, tricts, namely, the districts of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; San Fran- ““g$,§§‘§§‘§{,,,, d,,,,,,c,,_ cisco, California; New London, Connecticut; Baltimore, Maryland; V<>i-$f.p·1026- Detroit, Michigan; Chicago, lllinois; Bangor, Maine; New Haven, Connecticut; Michigan, Miclggan; Milwaukee, Wisconsin.; Willamette, Oregon; Puget Sound, ashington; Savannah, Georgia; Pittsburg, Pennsylvania; Oswego, New York; Charleston, South Carolina; Duluth, Minnesota; Superior, Michigan; Apalachicola, Florida; Galveston, Texas; Mobile, Alabama; Providence, Rhode Island, and in each of the following ports: New York, New York; Jacksonville, Florida; Portland, Maine; Boston, Massachusetts; Buffalo, New York; Cleveland, Ohio; Toledo, Ohio; Norfolk, Virginia; Evansville, Indiana; Dubu ue, Iowa; Louisville, Kentucky; Albany, New York; Cincin- _ nati, Ohio; Mem his, Tennessee; Nashville, Tennessee; Saint Louis, M;l§,{‘,";‘}f‘ A‘1§S‘},f‘},‘,§§ Missouri; Port Huron, Michigan; New Orleans, Louisiana; Juneau,

iP1w¤¤¢.W-V¤·» Alaska; Saint Michael, Alaska; Point Pleasant, West Virginia, and

' Buplington, Vermont, one inspector of hulls and one inspector of boi ers. $*1*****- "The inspectors of hulls and the inspectors of boilers in the districts and rts enumerated in the preceding paragraph shall be entitled to the gdllowing salaries, to be paid under the direction of the Secretary of Commerce and Labor, namely: " For the ort of New York, New York, at the rate of two thousand five hundired dollars pcr ear for each local inspector. i “For the districts of Philadiilphia, Pennsylvania; Baltimore, Mary- · land; San Francisco, California, and Puget Sound. Washington, and the ports of Boston, Massachusetts; Buffalo, New York, and New Orleans, Louisiana, at the rate of two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars per year for each local inspector. "For the districts of Michigan, Michigan; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; l)uluth, Minnesota; Providence, Rhode Island; Chicago, Illinois, and the ports of Albany, New York; Cleveland, Ohio; Portland, Maine; Juneau. Alaska; Saint Michael, Alaska, and Norfolk, Virginia, at the rate of two thousand dollars per year for each local inspector. " For the districts of Oswego, New York; W illamette. Oregon: Detroit, Mi<·higan,and Mobile, Alabama, and the ports of Saint Louis, Missouri, and Port Huron, Michigan, at the rate of one thousand eight hundred dollars per year for each local inspector. "For the districts of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania; New Haven, C0n· necticut; Savannah, Georgia; Charleston, South Carolina; Galveston, Texas; New London. Connecticut; Superior. Michigan; Bangor, Maine. and Apalachicola, Florida, and the ports of Dubuque, Iowa; Toledo, Ohio; Evansville, Indiana; Memphis, Tennessee; Nashville, Tennessee;