Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1324

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1294 i FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 2915-2917. 1907. Michigan, two brass field pieces (formerly located at Fort Brady, Michigan, and now at Rock Island Arsenal, condemned to be converted into scrap brass), the same to be taken care of by said city, and be Ijrariso. subject at all times to the order of the Secretary of War: Provided, M °xP°°S°` That no expense shall be incurred by the United States in the delivery of said cannon. _ Approved, March 4, 1907, 10 a. m. }E{§·’§hé,2;,°‘H· CHAI?. 2916.-An Act For the erection of a public building at the city of 1 Athens, in the State of Ohio. _ _ Be it enacted by the Sena-te and House ofRq>resentatv}ves of the United ‘,§f,l§§§”8gg}if$,£a“d States of America in Congress assemoted, That the Secretary of the erection of ¤>¤¤1<1i¤z Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to acquire for °t’ °°m°m°d` the United States, in the city of Athens, in the State of Ohio, in such manner as to him shall seem best, a suitable site, and cause to be erected thereon, according to plans and specifications to be approved by him, a substantial building, with good modern improvements and Limit of cost- conveniences, for the and other Government uses, at a total cost of not more than one hundred thousand dollars, said building to be distant at least forty feet in every direction from any other Structure. Approved, March 4, 1907, 10 a. m. Egg?}? gg3S9g' _C'HAI’. 291'7.—A11 Act To provide for sittings of the United States Qircuit and

;jve District Courts of the Southern d1Str1ct of Ohio, at the city of Dayton ID said district.

Be it enacted by the Senate and Zfouse of Representat2ives of the United },’,;§ffdS§f,‘{f,"jQ‘rf;’“(§{·;; States of America in Congress assembled, That. from and after the frilet tD&_mn passage of this Act there shall be held at the c1ty_of Dayton, in the Ri"gii:ees.tv2,`ss»s, southern district of Ohio, a term of both the C1rcu1t and District PP 1*, *22- courts of said district on the first Monday in May and November of each year. ’“’°'*‘· Src. 2. Grand and petit jurors summoned for service at such terms of either of the courts aforesaid may be residents of any part of the said southern district of Ohio.

  • `"’“°°“‘*°”“· Sec. 3. Prosecutions for crimes or offenses hereafter committed in

any part of the said district shall be cognizable at the terms aforesaid _ of either of the said courts having jurisdiction thereof. S'"'*‘· Sec. 4. All suits which, under existing law, may be brought within the said southern district, or any division thereof, may be instituted, prosecuted, tried, and determined at the said terms of court so to be mmm musegmav eld IH the sa1d_c1ty of Dayton. termnsréirea.’ Sec. 5. Any judge of the United States holding court in the southern district of Ohio in pursuance of existing laws may transfer any suit now pending in the court wherein he shall be so, as aforesaid, sitting to the next term of the Circuit or District court, as the case may be, whichever shall have jurisdiction of the same, next to be held MW] at the said city of Dayton, in accordance with the terms of this Act. ` Sec. 6. All Acts or parts of Act inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed to the extent of such inconsistency, but not otherwise. Approved, March 4, 1907, 10 a. m.