Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1290

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1260 FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 2907. 1907. L*‘*“°° °* “l’““°°- meat inspection; and the employees of the Bureau of Animal Industry outside of the city of Washington may hereafter, in the discretion of the Secretary of Agriculture, without additional expense to the Government, be granted leaves of absence not to exceed fifteen days in any one year; which leave may, in exceptional and meritorious cases where such an employee is ill,-be extended, in the discretion of the Secretary of Agriculture, not to exceed fifteeudays additional in any one prf)'é§{’£‘}g§€‘fpQ§ti" year: Provided, That the Act of March third, eighteen hundred and Vol-26, 1>-1090- i ninety-one, as amended March second, eighteen hundred and ninety-five, V°1`28’p'732' for the inspection of live cattle and products thereof, shall be deemed to include dairy products intended for exportation to any foreign country, and the Secretary of Agriculture may apply, under rules and regulations to be prescribed by him, the provisions of said Act for inspection and certification appropriate for ascertaining the purity and quality of such products, and may cause the same to be so marked, stamped, or labeled as to secure their identity and make known in the mar ets of foreign countries to which they may be sent from the United States their purity, quality, and grade; and all the provisions of said Agt relating to live cattle and products thereof for export shall apply to Mi·t1¤;]i£l8d*¤€¤¤¢¤ i¤ dairy products so inspected and certified: Provzded, also, That the ` Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to expend five thousand dollars of the amount hereby appropriated to especially investigate hemorrhagic septicemia. infectious cerebro-spina meningitis, and malignant catarrh, prevalent among domestic animals in the State of Minnesota and adjoining States, to work out, if possible, in cooperation with the Minnesota Experiment Station, the problem of prevention by developing antitoxin or preventive vaccines and to secure and diffuse informarest ogmumeem. tion along these lines, provided that the Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to purchase in the open market samples of all tuberculin serums, antitoxins, or analogous products, of foreign or domestic inanufacturc, which are sold in the United States for the detection, prevention, treatment, or cure of diseases of domestic animals, to test the same and to publish the results of said tests in such manner as he may deem best. br:;¤(;g¤1=;1f¢¤di¤z~i¤¤_r;l9f¤¤¤i- appointed for that purpose, an examination and inspection of all catm° S b" °"` i mg tie, sheep, swine, and goats before they shall be allowed to enter into any slaughtering, packing, meat—canning, rendering, or similar establishment, in which they are to be slaughtered and the meat and meat food products thereof are to be used in interstate or foreign commerce; Diseased animals m and all cattle. swine, sheep, and goats found on such inspection to l’°"““"’“"""°‘ show symptoms of disease shall be set apart and slaughtered separately from all other cattle. sheep, swine, or goats, and when so slaughtered the carcasses of said cattle, sheep. swine, or goats shall be subject to a careful examination and inspection, all as provided by the rules and regulations to be prescribed by the Secretarv of Agriculture, as herein provided for. V nafegkmgfegéigyéj That for the purposes hereinbefore set forth the Secretary of Agriew.,1m¤¤es. culture shall cause to be made by inspectors appointed for that purpose, as hereinafter provided, a post-mortem examination and inspection of ° the carcasses and parts thereof of all cattle, sheep. swine, and goats to be prepared for human consumption at any slaugh tering. meat-canning, salting, packing. rendering. or similar establishment in any State, Territory, or the District of Columbia for transportation or sale as