Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/128

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98 FIBTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 1363. 1906. AP¤'i12·i906· CHAP. 1363.-An Act To authorize the construction of a bridge across the [s. 5211.] . - · Snake River, at or near Lewiston, Idaho. i' . - -1 . . [Pub m No 82 Be it enacted by the Senate and House QfRQ)T08€R¢dtfU€8 of the United snake Rive:-.1d¤1w. State.yz{fAm.eriea in Oonyrass assembled, That the Chieago, M1lwaukee ,,g"S°:;€,Tl{I:§{*§':§? and Saint Paul Railway Company, of Washington, its successors or ", H °°‘“¥’•“Y my assigns, be, and are hereby, authoriacd to construct and maintain a xmaiicn. railroad bridge across the Snake River, from some convenient and _ racticable point on the west bank of said r1verin ASOEID County, BVashingtor1, to some convenient and practicable point on the east bank in Wliitman County, Washington, or in Nez Perces County, Idaho. _,;°,$,’§,§“,f{_g§_‘;',;f*° Sec. 2. That the bridge herein authorized shall be located and constructed under and subject to such regulations for the Security of namgation of said river as the Secretary of War shall prescribe, and said company shall submit to the Slecretary of War for pie approvgl a plan of said bridge and a map of the location showing or one mi e a ve and one mile below the proposediocatiori, the topography of the banks of the river, the shore lines at high and low water, the direction and strength of the current, soundings showing the bed of the stream, the location of any other bridge in t at vicinity, and such other informa- ._ tion as may be required_for a full and satisfactory understanding of the subject; and unt11 said plan and location are approved by the Sec- °l*'“‘¤°’~ retary of War the said bridge shall not be commenced or built; and should any change be made in the plan of said bridge during the progress of construction or after completion, such change shall also be subject to the apglroval of the Secretary of War. mI&•P:sQ';ngc?°°¤” Sec. 3. That the bridge and its accessories constructed according ` . to lthe progisiogzpf this Act shall be a lawful strugfure, and the Teme is ereby ecla to be a post route, and no hig er charge s a be made for the transportation of the mails and the troops and munitions of war of the United States over the same than the rate (per mile paid for their transportation over the railroads leading to said bridge; and the United States shall have the right of way across said bri ge and r,g`h$_j_°¤'“ Ph- °‘°·· its approaches for postal, telegraph, and telephone purposes; and equahprigilegcshin the use of said bridge shall be granted to all tele- _ grap an telep one companies. p" by °"‘°' '°“°s‘ l Sec. 4. b'I`hat all riailroad companies desiring to use said bridge Shall rave and e entitle; to equal rights and privileges in the `passage of railroad trains over the same and the a proaches thereto, under and upon such terms and conditions as shall) be prescribed by the Secretary og Wsgr upon hearing the allegations and proofs of the parties, in case they s ial not avree. g,%?,‘},l?'°"°°°° '"“`l" Sec. 5. That the Fiaid bridge herein authorized to be constructed shall be keptarnd maintained Sous to secure at all times reasonable and proper prov1sions_for_the passage ofvcsscls through the same, apel there shall be n1a1n_ta1ncd on said bridge by the company aforesaid., L*8h“· °°°· from sunset to sunrise, during the season of navigation, such lights as the Light-House Board shal prescribe; and such changes shall be made fpom tirpe to tjlme in said bridge; and at the expense of the com- _ pany a oresai as the Secretary of Var may direct in order to pre- I·“‘F'*"°”· serxje the free ,navigation of said river; and in case of any litigation arising by reason of the_construetion and maintenance of said bridge, the same may tried in the circuit or district courts of the United Pr W Stgea fpir the mstrzgtis o1f)\rVa2ipg§`cHn and Ildaho, in fvhose jurisdiction ’Z* · said r1 e is oca : rom at not incr in t iis Act shall be so “ S sulégiediig lm not construedg as to repeal or modifylany of the piidvisions of the law now existing in reference to the protection of the navigation of rivers or to T f exempt this bridge from the operations of same. ,,_,,jF*° ° °°¤¤“’°°· _ Sec. 6. That this Act shall be null and void if the actual construction of the bridge herein authorized shall not be commenced within