Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1267

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FLFITY-NINTH oouensss. sm. 11. os. 2518. 1907. 1237 to take and inclose certain parts of streets in the city of Waslnington for the purpose of extending the Washington Cemetery, and for other purposes," be, and the same are hereb , repealed. Sr1o._7. That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, g2g0g6e , authorized and directed to accept a building which is now used and buildiiis for pogooccupied for fest-office purposes in the city of Perr , Oklahoma; and °m°°‘ the said buil ing and ground upon which said building is erected are hereby declared to be under the exclusive jurisdiction and in the custody and control of the Secretary of the Treasury, to be used and occupied for a post-office in said city. Sec. 8. That the commission to investigate the postal situation in Y,§’,${,m,?,j':,*f*:,Q,*;nIf,¤W New York, New York, created under the provisions of section seven- no xepon w simeih . teen of the Act approved June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and six, °‘f',§'f“,$j·,86_ consisting of the ostmaster—General, the present chairman of the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds of the United States Senate, and the present chairman of the Committee on Public Buildings and Groun of the United States House of Representatives, be, and the same is hereby, authorized and directed to report the result of such investigation to be made, toglether with suitable recommendations, to the first session of the Sixtiet Congress. And for the expense of kP°"’°'- said commission the amount heretofore appropriated shall be available, to expended on vouchers approvedp by the chairman of said commission. Sec. 9. That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, iigieigishzigghidiha authorized and directed to accept from the park commissioners of the §f,f§,},2_“‘g P“"“° city of Des Moines, Iowa, as a donation, a strip of ground lying between the Des Moines River and the site purchased by the Government for the United States postoffice building, said piece of ound being bounded on the west y First street, on the north by Nlalnut street, on the south by Court avenue, and on the east by the Des Moines River. _ _ ' Sec. 10. That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, iiiéegpmcitdgizihxauthorized and empowered, in his discretion, to acquire by gift or “°““1 'mddonation such additional land as he may deem necessary for the enlargement of the Federal building site heretofore acquired at Mason City, Iowa. Sec. 11. That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, g::§i’£N$iv`1¤¤n for authorized to grant, relinquish, and convey by quitclaim deed to t me ”"°°'· city of Reno, Nevada, a strip of land twenty feet in width otl` the north side of the site for the post-office building to be erected in said city of Reno, said site extending along East Front street or First street a distance of one hundred and sixty feet,lmore or less, the said strip of land to be used for street purposes on v. Sec. 12. That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, _ m°¤i:li$`:}i1(i»ini¤°iii4il authorized and empowered, in his discretion, to sell at public or private mg "“° pm °' '“°· sale, for cash, and for not less than fifteen thousand dollars, the building _ or buildings on the easterly twenty feet of lot two and the westerly twenty-two feet of lot three, in block twenty-five, of the city of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, being the forty-two feet next adjacent to the present site of the post—office and courthouse building on Second avenue, in said city, together with the easterly twelve feet of said forty-two feet, and to give to the urchaser or purchasers of said land a quitclaim deed thereto: Prmyidgd, That the net proceeds of such sale shall be credited to Prmn'00. f d_ the appro riation made by Act of Congress approved June thirtieth. ¤£21°§’fiS,._°' °° °` nineteen hundred and six, for the acquisition of additional land and **’•'°·P—"°- the extension of said building. _ Sec. 13._ That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, author- Q,;,°g*,g}’}§j,Q{‘,,,§{;§’é,n ized and directed to convey to the purchaser from the United States Anacostia Rpicr and of square eleven hundred and thirty-one, and the south part of square $‘}§f'$,i{’§g_ mm3' eleven hundred and seventeen, and the squares south of squares eleven