Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1250

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1220 l¥`IFTY—NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cns. 2520,2521. 1907. or assigns, to construct and maintain across the Mississippi River a dam, canal, and works necessary incident thereto for water power and supply piuposes at a point between sections twenty, twenty-nine, and thirty-two in township one hundred and twenty-eight north, range twenty-nine west of the fifth principal meridian, and sections seventeen and twenty, in township thirt —nine, range thirty-two west of mama. the fourth principal meridian, in Msbrrison Counléy, Minnesota: Pro- ,,pS,f,90’$§j°,}'{Q,,$§ ggf ‘° vided, That the plans for the construction of said dam and gppurte- ' nant works shal be submitted to and applroved by the 1ef of Engineers and the Secretary of War before the commencement of the changes. construction of the same: And provided furthér, That the said the Pike Rapids Power Company, its successors or assigns, shall not deviate from such plans after such approval, either before or after the completion of said structures, unless the modifications of such plans shall have previously been submitted to and received the approval of the Chief of E `neers and of the Secretary of War: And provided further, snneewsy. Thatltibre shall be placed and maintained in connection with said dam a sluiceway so arran ed as to permit logs, timber, and lumber to pass around, thro h, and over said dam without unreasonable delay or mak. hinderance add without toll or charges: And provided further, That the dam shall be so constructed that the Government of the United States may at any time construct in connection therewith a suitable lock for navigation purposes, and may at any time, without compensation, control the said dam so far as shall be necessary for the purposes of navigation, but shall not destroy the water power developed y said dam and structures to an greater extent than may be neces- 1 sa toprovide proper facilities fybr navigation, and that the Secretary of1TVar may at any time require and enforce, at the expense of the owners, such modifications and changes in the construction of said dam as he may deem advisable in the interests of navi ation/’ Sec. 2. That section four of said Act above referred to be, and the same is hereb , amended so as to read as follows: _·rime or mnsrme- "SEc. 4. That the rgght to amend,alte1·, or repeal this Act is hereby °‘_Q';;,_,_ p_ 2,,, ,,mm,_ expressly reserved, an the same shall become null and void unless the ¤d· construction of the dam hereby authorized is commenced within one year from June first, nineteen hundred and seven, and completed within three years thereafter, and that except so far as may be odherwise pro- .4me, peso. vided in this Act, the provision of the Act of Congress entitled An Act to regulate the construction of dams over navigable waters} approved on the twenty-first day of June, nineteen hundred and six, s all be applicable to the construction of the dam provided in this Act." Approved, March 2, 1907. M¤·¤=¤Z·1WF- CHAP. 2521.-.An Act For the relief of certain white persons who intermarried €S·}"l'$‘] with Cherokee citizens. [Public, N0. 180.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of lfepresentatives of the United yhymkegligtivgit States of America in Congress assembled, That for sixty days after ma'} ‘§”§`{‘ impiovgi allotment but in no case less than sixty days after the approval of this m¤¤°**° °“”°¤* °’· Act white persons who intermarried with Cherokee citizens prior to December sixteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-five, and made permanent and valuable improvements on lands belonging to the Cherokee Nation prior to the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States in the case of Daniel Red Bird, the Cherokee Nation, and others, against The United States (Two hundred and third United States, page seventy- six), shall have the right to sell such improvements to citizens of the Cherokee Nation entitled to select allotments at a valuation to be approved by an official to be designated by the Secretary of the Interior