Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1242

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1212 FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 2513. 1907.

          • 0*** ’°“*—"¤- For inland transportation by railroad routes, forty-four million six

hundred and sixty thousand dollars: _ m§€g¤°$“¤”¤°¤* °* The Postrnaster—General is hereby authorized and directed to readyust ` A the compensation to be paid from and after the iirst day of July,_ mneteen hundred and seven, for the transportation of mail on railroad routes carrying their whole length an average weight of mails per day of upward of Eve thousand pounds by making the following changes in the resent rates per mile per annum for the transportation of mail on such routes, and hereafter the rates on such routes shall be as 0i=¤¤8¤¤ follows: On routes carrying their whole length an average weight of mail per day of more than five thousand pounds and less than fortly- eight thousand pounds the rate shall be five per centum less than the present rates on all weight carried in excess of five thousand pounds; and on routes carrying their whole length an average weight of mail per day of more than forty-eight thousand pounds the rate shall be ve per centum less than the present rates on all weight carried in excess of five thousand pounds up to forty-eight thousand pounds, and for each additional two thousand pounds in excess of forty-eight thousand pounds at the rate bf nineteen dollars and twenty-four cents upon all roads other than land-grant roads, and upon all land-grant roads · ° the rate shall be seventeen dollars and ten cents for each two thousand _ pounds carried in excess of said forty-eight thousand pounds. poswnceprm. That after July first, nineteen hundred and seven, additional pay A°'m‘°” P`"' allowed for every line comprising a daily teach way of railway post-office cars shall be at a rate not exceedingytwenty-five dollars Iper mile per annum for cars forty feet in length, and twenty-seven dollars and hfty cents per mile per annum for-forty-five—foot cars, and thirty- two dollars and fifty cents per mile per annum for fifty-foot cars, and forty dollars per mile per annum for cars fifty-five feet or more in length. Fi¤¢¤f¤*d¤l°Y¤·€*°- That the Postmaster-General shall require all railroads carrying the mails to maintain their regular train schedules as to time of arrival and departure of said mails, and it shall be his duty to impose and collect reasonable fines for delay when such delay is not caused by unavoidable accidents or conditions. "fd¤:l¢‘§jnpgg"fgg:*' For pay of freight or expressage on postal cards, stamped envelopes, newspaper wrappers, and empty mail bags, two hundred and fifty thousan dollars. And the Postmaster·General shall require, ,mYgg,¤:";¤:{;L,‘g‘{ when in freightable lots and whenever practicable, the withdrawal from mg uhm.' the mails of all postal cards, stamped envelopes, newspaper wrappers, empty mail bags, furniture, equipment, and other supplies for the postal service, except postage stamps, in the respective weighing divisions of the country, immediately preceding the weighing period in said divisions, and thereafter such postal cards, stamped envelopes, newspaper wrappers, empty mail bags, furniture, equipment, and other supplies for the postal service, except postage stamps, shall be transmitted by either freight or express. ,c5¤¤¢*>*‘¤¢¤ ¤¤* ¤¤¤’· d ger railway post-office car service, five million and eighty thousand o ars. ,c;¤¤i1w¤r Ml ww- Rnnwar mm. SERVICE: Eleven division superintendents, at three riivmon grams, thousand dollars each; eleven assistant division superintendents, at °'°““‘· °"°· two thousand dollars each; five assistant superintendents, at two thousand dollars each: nineteen assistant superintendents, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each; one hundred and twenty-six chief clerks, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each; two hundred and sixty clerks. class six, at not exceeding one thousand six hundred dollars each; one thousand two hundred and fifty clerks, class tive, at not exceeding one thousand five hundred dollars each; five hundred and thirty clerks. class tive, at not exceeding one thousand four hundred dollars each; one thousand nine hundred and fifty clerks, class four,