Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1240

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1210 FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 2513. 1907. hundred dollars, one thousand four hundred dollars, or one thousand tive hundred dollars; nor in excess of four hundred dollars where the salary of the postmaster is one thousand six hundred dollars or one thousand seven hundred dollars; nor in excess of five hundred dollars where the salary of the postmaster is one thousand eight hundred dollars or one thousand nine hundred dollars. gtiw Y0:} { I For the commencement of the preparation of plans for a suitable new tinimaiiigl P °°°' building for a post-oflice, to be constructed on property now owned by "°‘·”·P· *3*- the United States in the city of New York, known as the Pennsylvania Railroad site, and for the construction of the foundations for said building, one hundred thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be `d out of any mone in the Treasury not otherwise appro- _ riated, andihlot from or chargeable to the revenues of the postal service: %¤_ , That said plans shall be prepared and the work of constructing the foundations herein authorized shall be performed under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury.

    • °'“»_“¥’“·““‘““°‘· For rent, light, and fuel for first, second, and third class post- -
 offices, three million one hundred and fifty thousand dollars: Promded,

That there shall not be allowed for the use of any third-class post- _ omce fp; rentha sulmlin excess of forg fiupdred and eighty dozarg, nor _ _ more n ei ty dollars for ue an i t in an one year: n - ’°“ ’°"’““°’ Maz jmnji, trim me Postmaster-Ggneral mi}, in the signifi;- ment of this appropriation, ap ly a part thereof to the purpose ofleasing premises for the use oi) post-offices of the first, second, and third olassezgztl a reasonable annual rental, to be paid quarterly, for a term not ex in ten ears. ummm For necessary nhiscellaineous and incidental items directly connected with iirst and second class post-offices and money -order service, including furniture, cleaning, and all other matters not specilicallivdprovided for in other appropriations, two hundred and fifty thousan ollars. °*¤°°“¤¥'¤°°*‘*¤°*· For rental or purchase of canceling machines, including cost of power in rented buildings, motors, repairs to motors, and miscel- _ aneous expenses of installation and operation, two hundred and seventy-tive thousand dollars. m·*g§;:”° °“P°'*“‘ For compensation to ten assistant superintendents salary and allowance division, at the rate of two thousand dollars per annum each, and for their per diem allowance when actually traveling on business of the Post-Oilice De rtment, ata rate to be fixed by the Postmaster- General not to exceedxlour dollars per day, and for other necessary official expenses, thirty-four thousand six hundred dollars. g;{¤‘},°g‘,,n•"{;._ For pay of letter carriers at offices already established, including substitutes for carriers absent without pa , city delivery service, twenty-four million four hundred and fifty thousand dollars.

  • “°'*“°‘°'· °°°· For pay of substitutes for letter carriers .absent. with pay, and of

auxiliary and temporary letter carriers at olhces already established, one million two hundred thousand dollars. N"' °“°°'*- F or iipay of letter carriers, substitute and auxiliary letter carriers at plpwo elrititled to city delivery service under existing law, fifty ousan dollars. H°”° N"' °°°‘ For horse—hire allowance, and the rental of vehicles, seven hundred and igfltiytthousand dpllars, and the sum of five thousand dollars shall be _ 1mm a e y availa e. ,,,(f,‘§,_ f‘"° “d m` F(;)lé0iIil' fare and bicycle allowance, three hundred and fifty thousan dollars. u°°h“"°‘“ For compensation to twenty-two mechanics, at not exceeding nine hundred dollars each, nineteen thousand eight hundred dollars. ,cQf“'°"·”°°'*”°°°”‘ h Fgr (mgriliie postal service', Detroit, Michigan, four thousand five un re dollars. I“°"*°““*"· For incidental expenses of the city delivery service, including freight and drayage on equipment, furniture, and supplies,and erecting, paint-