Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1124

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IO94 -~ FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 2509. 1907. dollars, exclusive of the amounts herein and heretofore appropriated Boqrgl to examine or authorized. And the Secretary of War may appoint a Board of °°°dm°°°’m` Engineers whose duty it shall be to examine the present condition of I the United States canal and the Tennessee River from the head of Elk River Shoals to the Florence Railway bridge in the State of Alabama, with a view to permitting the improvement of ·the above—described stretch of said river by private or corporate agency in conjunction with the development of water power by means of not more than three locks and dams; and the said Board may examine any plans presented by such agency and shall report whether the same, if constructed, can, without injury to navigation, or with advantage thereto, be used to develop water power, and what portion, if any, of the expense of the work Report should be borne by the United States; and such Board shall report its findings not later than the first Monday in December, nineteen hundred nusqie sums, per- and seven, and until such Board shall make its report and action shall m;";?;?;;?` be taken thereon by Congress no ermits shall be issued under the provisions of the Act approved Mhrch sixth, nineteen hundred and six, entitled "An Act to authorize the construction of dams and power stations on the Tennessee River at Muscle Shoals, Alabama.” Bmw Riv¢¤¤¤· Im roving Tennessee River, Tennessee and Kentucky, below Rivertionf Continuing improvement and for maintenance, forty thousand ol ars. urmien Bmw_ and Improving French Broad and Little Pigeon rivers, Tennessee: Conttle Pigeon rivers, . . . . · Tenn. tmuing improvement and for maintenance, two thousand dollars. mghggeéggwggsg. Improving Clinch, Hiwassee, and Holston rivers, Tennessee_: Comreuu. Yplegng émproviengent (ang for maintenance, fifty-six thousand six hun; re an twen y- ve dollars. Kentucky River, Kentucky River, Kentucky: Continuin improvement by the con- KY· struction of Locks and Dams Numberef Twelve and Thirteen, one ggmesém hundred thousand dollars: Pmzdded, That the Secretary of War may ' enter into a contract or contracts for such materials and work as may be necessary to complete the work of constructing said locks and dams, to be paid for as appropriations may from time to time be made by law, not to exceed in the aggregate four hundred and twenty thousand dolllars, exclusive of the amounts herein and heretofore appropriated or eretofore authorized. 1>mcu¤m¤,om0, hImpr<§*iingl harbor at Port Clinton, Ohio: For maintenance, three thousand dollars. S¤¤¤¤¤¤’·0¤i<>· Improving harbor at Sandusky, Ohio: Continuing improvement apnic} fo; mailnktenanlpe, one hundred and twenty-tive} thousand dollars : P"°"‘*°· ·0vv'r<e1 , at there shall be restored to the a o ted ro`ect and stdi·9e(dI dredging W shall form a part of it, the rock dredging omitted frog theisaid prioject l°`l‘33*p’1m‘ in (the river and harbor Act approved March third, nineteen hundred an tive. H“'°“·‘”“°· Igiprplving harbor at Huron, Ohio: For maintenance, sixteen thousan dollars. ‘·'"m"i‘>’*·0’**°- thlrnprolvifigl harbor at Vemilion, Ohio: For maintenance, fifteen ousan dollars. L¤¤*l**·°***°· Improving harbor at Lorain, Ohio, thirty thousand dollars, of which amount not to exceed fifteen thousand dollars may be expended for dredging on the easterly side of Black River from the inner end of the easterly Government pier to East Erie Avenue Bridge. €l€V¤'¤¤d· 0*1**- Improving harbor at Cleveland, Ohio: Continuing improvement and for maintenance. two hundred and twenty-three thousand dollars, of which amount ninety-eight thousand dollars may be expended for wharf room for the storage of material and plant or other Government property, in accordance with the recommendation contained in the report submitted in House Document Numbered Two hundred and grgeggzn on mlm seventv, Fifty-ninth Congress, second session: Provided, That no part mm of said sum of ninety-eight thousand dollars shall be expended for such wharf room unless terms can be made with the Cleveland Yacht