Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1095

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r iF*rr-N1NrH coueaass. sm. 11. cs. 2508. 1907. 1065 Eighty-one privates (cavalry), twelve thousand six hundred and thi rtly-six dollars; _ A ditional pay for length of service, two thousand one hundred and eighty dollars; Clothing on discharge, one thousand eight hundred dollars; Traveling allowances to enlisted men on discharge, eight hundred and twenty dollars; Interest on deposits to enlisted men, one hundred dollars; d For pay of artillery detachment; One first sergeant, three hundred mgu{”m°’Y d°*°°h· ollars; ` Five sergeants, one thousand and eighty dollars; One cook, two hundred and sixteen dollars; Four corporals, seven hundred and twenty dollars; One farrier and blacksmith, one hundred and eighty dollars; One saddler, one hundred and eighty dollars; One wagoner, one hundred and sixty-eight dollars; Two trumpeters, three hundred and twelve dollars; Fifty-nine privates, nine thousand two hundred and four dollars; For additional pay for enlisted men of the Military Academy detachment of field artillery found dnl qualified as first-class gunners, at two dollars per month each. two lirundred and forty dollars; For additional pay for enlisted men of the Military Academy detach- ,,;Q*“‘*°““ ’°’ ¤“°· ment of field arti ery found duly qualified as second-class gunners, at ` one dollar per month each, one hundred and twenty dollars; d Additional pay for length of service, one thousand five hundred ollars; Clothing on discharge, one thousand five hundred dollars; d Interest on deposits due enlisted men, one hundred and twenty-five ollars; Travel allowances to enlisted men on discharge, nine hundred dollars; For extra pay of two enlisted men employed as clerks in the office mgm l’“» °““’“’d of the adjutant, United States Military Aca emy, at fifty cents each per day, three hundred and sixty-five dollars; For extra pay of two enlisted men employed as clerks in the office of the comman ant of cadets, at fifty cents each per day, three hundred and sixty-five dollars; . For extra pay of four enlisted men as printers, at headquarters United States Militariy Academy, at fifty cents each per day, six hundred and twenty-six ollars; _ For extra pay of one enlisted man employed as watchman, at thirty- live cents per day, one hundred and ninety-one dollars and sixty-three cents; For extra pay of one enlisted man employed as trumpeter at the cadet barracks, at thirty-tive cents per day, one hundred and fifty-nine dollars and sixty-nine cents; _ _ _ For extra pay of one enlisted man employed in the(ph1losoph1cal department observatory as a mechanic, at hfty cents per ay, one hundred and fifty-six dollars and fifty cents; For extra pay of one enlisted man employed in the philosophical department in care of apparatus, at fifty cents per day, one hundred and fifty-six dollars and fty cents; _ l For extra pay of two enlisted mcn employed in the chemical department. at fifty cents each per day, three undred and thirteen do lars; For extra pay of one enlisted man employed in the department of drawing, at fifty cents per day, one hundred and fifty-six dollars and fifty cents; _ _ _ For extra pay of one enlisted man employed in the mathematical department, at fifty cents per day, one hundred and fifty-six dollars and fifty cents.