Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1086

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1056 FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I1. Cris. 2291, 2292. 1907. northwest uarter; south half of northeast quarter; northeast quar-' ter of norttheast quarter, section eight, township fifty-one north, range one hundred and three west ; northwest quarter of southwest quarter ; southeast quarter of southwest quarter ; south half of northwest quarter ; lot three of section two, township fifty-one north, range one hundred and three west ; north half of south half of section twelve, township fifty-one north, range one hundred and three west; south half of southeast quarter of section twenty-five, township fifty-two north, range one hundred and three west; northwest quarter of northeast quarter, section twenty-four, township fifty-one north, range one hundred and four west; east half of northwest quarter, section eleven, township fifty-one north, range one hundred and three west; State charitab e, educational, penal, and reform lands, approved list numbered fourteen, June third, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, Lander district;southeast quarter section eight, township fifty-one north, range one hundred and three west; all of sections nine, three, and one, townshgp fifty~one north, range one hundred and three west; east half section our, township fifty-one north, range one hundred and three west; northeast quarter; southeast quarter section two, township fifty-one north, ran e one hundred and three west; north half section twelve, township dfty-one north, range one hundred and three west; northeast quarter section eleven, township fifty-one north, range one hundred and three west; southeast quarter section thirty-tive, township fifty-two north, range one hundred and three west; southwest quarter section thirty, township fifty-two north, range one hundred and two west; east half section thirteen, township fifty-one north, range one hundred and four west; all of sections thirty-one and thirty-two, township iiftv-two north, range one hundred and two west; Agricultural College lands, approved list numbered nine, March ninth,eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, Lander district; south half of south half northeast quarter of southeast quarter section twenty-nine, township fifty-two north, range one hundred and two west: southwest quarter; west half of east half section twenty-eight, township fifty-two north, range one hundred and two west; west half of southeast quarter section twenty- four. township fifty-one north, range one hundred and four west; wesf half of northeast tgluarter; northwest quarter section twentydive, townshipfifty-one nor , range one hundred and four west; south halfof south half of northeast quarter; northeast quarter of northeast quarter section twenty-six, township fifty-one north, range one hundred and four west; miscellaneous State library lands, approved list numbered fourteen, June third, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight. Lander district. ,,,°,§}§'3,°h'L,{'{,1,j?;'{_°' The said State shall be authorized and permitted to select an equal number of acres from the unappropriated public lands of the United ` States in said State in the same manner, for the same urposes, and subject to the same conditions and limitations under which the lands so my umm I- d reconveyed were selected and held. ,,,,,,,‘:§’w Publi., Y1.: Sec. 2. That the lands so reconveyed shall be restored to and become min- a part of the public domain and he subject to disposal by the Government indthe sarge pianner in which other public lands of a like characr are ispose o . Approved, March 1, 1907. me 1’1907' CHAP. 2292.-An Act Providin for the ntin and tenf to the State of

 Colorado, desert lands formerly in thi Southerginlf te Igndian plleseriiiilon in Colorado.

C,,k,,,d,,_ Be it enacted by the Senate and House ofRripresen Zatryes of the Chited m§,;s=,g;ggm%j;$,{; Stalas of America m Ltmgress assembled, That the provisions of sec- Reservation. tion four of “An Act making appropriations for sundry civil expenses v°’·”‘·*’·‘”· of the Government for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-tive, and for other purposes,” approved August