Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/1084

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1054 FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ons. 2288, 2289. 1907. feet to station numbered fourteen; thence south forty- four degrees and seventeen minutes west two thousand feet to station numbered fifteen; thence south seventy-seven degrees and thirty-one minutes west four thousand eight hundred feet to station numbered sixteen; thence south fifty-four degrees and forty-five minutes west three thousand three hundred feet to station numbered seventeen; thence north eighty- seven degrees and twenty-seven minutes west six thousand four hundred feet, more or less, to station numbered one, the place of beigin- ’ ning; including those four certain reservoirs claimed or occupie by said city of Durango, known as reservoir numbered one or upper par reservoir; reservoir numbered two or Santa Maria Lake; reservoir numbered three of Lake Lily, and reservoir numbered four or Lakeside Lake, subject to any former grant or conveyance affecting said lands, be, and the same are hereby, granted and conveyed to the city of Durango, county of La Plata and State of Colorado, to have and to hold said lands to its use and beboof forever for the purposes of water storage and supply of its Waterworks and the protection of its water sup(ply, and for such purposes said city shall forever have the right in its iscretion to control and use any and all parts of the said premises herein granted and conveyed in the construction of reservoirs, conduits, and flumes, and in the laying of pipes and mains and in making such improvements as may be necessary to store, utilize, protect from _ . pollution, and enjoy the waters contained in any natural or constructed f,"_‘?,‘,;‘Q,j·,_ reservoir, basins. or waterways upon said premises: Provided, That the Cml I Form city of Durango shall gy for said land the sum of one dollar and twenty- · sersiize. ° five cents per acre: miidedfurt/ner, That the Forest Service of the United States Department of A riculture shall have full power to patrol _ the said lands and to protect diem from fire and trespass: Provided s‘I°“ °f ""“’°’· fm·ther, That the Forest Service may dispose of the timber upon the said lands, except so much thereof as may be growing wit 1in one hundred feet from the mar in of any natural or constructed reservoir or of the main creeks within the said boundary flowing into such reservoirs under such additional rules for lumbering, to protect said waters from pollution, as shall be prescribed by the Forester and a proved b the mayor of the city of Durango: And prova'¢/ed fIl'7't]l€7', I"°“'·"“¥· °‘°· Tlhat if saidy city shall fence all or any part of said lands it shall provide practicable gates in such fence at points to be designated by the supervisor of the San Juan Forest Reserve. ,,,’,;,‘Z'°”'°" °" °°"‘ Sec. 2. That if the said city of Durango shall, at any time hereafter, abandon the lands above described and cease to use the same for said purppses said above-described lands shall revert to the Government of the nited States. Approved, March 1, 1907. M'?'§l,;_;gH°7‘ 2289.-—An Act Ratifying and confirming chapter fifty-eight of the twenty- » ----——-—-————~— thlffl }€gZ1Sl8t1V® assembly of the Territory of Arizona, providing for repair of the [f’¤l>lic N<>·158·] Terntorxal bridge at Florence, Pinal County, Arizona. mmm Be it enacted by the Senate and House of lfepresen tatéves of the United Acriyiiegsimi-ma Slates of Amerz'ea in Congress assembled, That chapter fifty-eight of Q§,§’,§'§,$“ “‘ "‘°"°°‘”’ session laws of the twenty-third legislative assembly of the Territory of Arizona, " providing for the repair of the Territorial brid e at Florence, Ar1zona," approved March sixteenth, nineteen hundrecf and live, be, and the same is hereby, ratified and approved. Approved, March 1, 1907.