Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 2.djvu/1189

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INDEX. 2485 Intema] Revm1ce——Contin11ed. Poco- Imemaziomd Railway Uongrug, Pagedeiiciency appropnation for agents, e;§-éé7 1 appropriation for q_uota to . , -- - 505, 920 , , or partimpation 1 505 10T w|'fo1' Stamps --------.. 22 International éimitary Iiiureau, for emdptnon of stamps 22. 397, 1218 appropriation for share in maintenance. 505, 920 {OY 193111 tgng t¤·X€S ------ :35 International Uniém of Americm; Igepublics, 01* ¤0 2c FS -·----·---------... , appropriation s - . - 72 920 for punishing violations of, laws 1 . . 43 Inte€;)»ariiammtav·;rU$z?oI;zin as 0 umm 7 {0I' i0?¤03Q1'€bBf»0 43,32; invitatign Iextenéied to members to visit 0F T0 ¤¤ mg m0D9Y$ -·--·--.. . the nite States . 587 for judgments against officers . . . .1;% I appropriation for expenses of conference - 587 _ merpretev-s,Dil0·mt'adC01wulaSe·`, cancellation of export bonds on articles ’ appropriation forflfgaiiions . ir.- -7}% 69, 917 shxppgd to Philippines prior to No- tion- student, Chim ,,,,,._,__________, 69, 917 vom l' 19, 1901 ... . .. 574 for, at consulates 79,927 refund of taxes illegallg collected from Interpreters, Indian, owners of private ies . 807 ” appropriation for; restriction . 191, 1049 Internal Revenue, Commvlsmkmer 0]] Interstate Commerce, ` appropriation for, deputies, etc 103, 649 appropriation for enforcing laws . 507 International Association for Labour Legisla- medals of honor for lifesaving on railroads ‘ tion, in ... 743 I appropriagzign $>g1;con;r¥>uti'¢;n1i. 60 . 136, 682 provisionsé for registration of trademarks 7 nternahona ri an erm? m y, use in .. 24 time extended for bridging Rainy lgiver, 8 transporting guseiatlsgnjurious to cultivated Mm' n 18 crops or i en .. 1269 Inlemalional Bureau of Weights and Measures, punishment for violations . 1270 appropriation for contribution ., 71, 919 Interstate Commerce Omnmabsion, Intenuztwnal Bureau, Permanent (bur! of Ar- aptpropriation for salaries . 462, 1166 b»it·ra,t12m,. or ex nses .. 462 1166 I appmpriatigi for shxbpf expengesdu 72, 020 for a;r£§:ration, railway employees digg, 1166 numaownal uv-eau, mation o atoms erences ... , Tanya,for enforcing mfety brakes, etc., laws- 462, 1167 appropriation for contribution .. 71, 919 for enforcing interstate commerce laws- 1207 Intemuuanal mean, Repression of African I deiipligzcygrggpmppiadon for expenses 397 Slave de, mer- n mil m ny, appropriation for share oi expenses . 72, 920 may bridge Ouachita ger, Camden, Ark. 604 Intcmatwnal (fommission, Mexican Boundary, Inloxicating Liquors, D. (L, _ appropriation for continuing work of 72, 919 selling, ggxing, etc., to minors, prolubited; 565 Intemntioml 0@of Human!' Units and pe ty .. Y fo ofdl 685 Inmicqied goods h’EpedtoPh`liV 977 appropriation r expensu e egates"- reqm on s 1 1 ppmes. International Committee of Wdghta and Mean- Iona Iala·ngl,t_ ewf York arb0rt;L I um, appropna ion or repairs e , nava magappropriation for attendance of member- 139, 685 _ azme ... : . z . .,.. -_ ... 1 . 1105 International Copyright, de6c1ency appropriation for repairs to privileges to authors or lproprictors of naval magazine .. - 30 books in a foreign anguage pub- Iowa, _ _ _ _ _ lished abroad; conditions . 1000 appropriation for reimbursmg, for supplies International Exchange, Commission on, _ to troops, ow -·----···-··--·-·---· 58 deticiencyrsslppropriation for expenses of. . _ 15 Iowa Oe¢y,_Iogm, _ _ _ _ priming 0 ered of report. .,.,... I apppoprnauon for public building 450 5 1 rt ,,.,,,,. . .. awa n mm 1n¢er·r;zoi.1£;r1i0ExcIwnges, appropriationjor fulfilling treaty with. 196, 1052 appropriation for expenses .. _ . 46 1, 1165 Iowa Indeam, [must, _ Inm-natnmml_E1ponhon,_I{wge, Belgium, · payment of all tribal funds per capita . . . . 201 appropriatrgngggpgitxmnltton ... 505 ]‘€t€DtlO:'l for schools, employees, minors, 201 I ucrrurlwnal c ·w , o o .. I appropriation for Buch to ·--·-- 72, 920 Iowa ,5*0,,;;,,,,-,. Judaing 1;;,,;,-56;, 0f €XP0¤'}B*: of _ °l - ik ---·-·- 47l· 1145 Davenport division esfablished; counties In! rmmonal` n y urcau, ‘ _ _ _ __ ___ _ ______ 545 alppropriation for slmro of oxponsos 127, 673 mms ugrggéhpon _____________________ 541 deiiciency appropriation for .. 409, 1% Ipwich Rmb Mags_, Trrff1'M!i0'Ml Law, _ _ preliminary examination of, to be made . 1152 declaration as to exemption of private prop- Irion Suas B_ orty at soo, not cont¤¤b¤~¤d ---·---- 592 pcgsion iucgeued _______________________ 1882 Jntwmational Manhmc Congress, _ Irrigation appropriation for delegate to, for consider- appmphatiou for expenses Indian msu_ ing collisions and salvage .. 505 Wticm _ ___________ j __________ 200, 1060 International Prison Colrzmissiql, for invggtiigtiopg by Department of appropriation for subscnptron, etc .. 72, 920 Agricu ture ___,___________,,__, 294, 882 deficiency appropriwou for ¤¤1><>¤¤o¤ ---- 1214 . for rim mam, can River mmm. 08 · g p,: Con tion Ariz 1 1 Imlirrzslidernli auii1o:rizedg'ie¢:a, invim, to hold contracts authorized for, Southern Ute eighth hong;-ssh in United States- -- 1284 Reservation, Colo . 1080