Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/784

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. Ill. Ch. 453. 1905. 697 authority, not exceeding sixty-four hectares to such individual person, m'¤“— or one undred and twenty-eight hectares to such association upon payment to the provincial treasurer or the collector of internal revenue, as the case may be, of not less than fifty pesos er hectare for Mmmm P’*°°· such lands, where the same shall be situated more tllau twenty-tive kilometers from any completed railroad oravailable harbor or navigable stream, and not less than one hundred pesos per hectare for such ands as shall be within twenty-five kilometers of such road, harbor, or stream: Provided, That such entries shall be taken in squares of sixteen or sixty-four hectares, in conformity with the rules and regu- ` lations governing the public-land surveys of the said islands in plotting legal subdivisions." · “Sec. 58. That whenever it shall be made toappear to the secretary ¤¤]¤¤¤!¤¤¤·¤ of any province or the commander of any military department in the auléiihsiiz P' M Philippine Islands that any lands within the province are saline in character, it shall be the duty of said provincial secretary or commander, under the regulations of the government of the Philip ine Islands, to take testimony in reference to such lands, to ascertain their true character., and to re rt the same to the secretary of the interior for the Philippine Islandg? and if u n such testimonv the secretary A¤¤¤¤¤ ¤¤¤¤¤· of the interior shall find that such lsnds are saline arid incapable of being purchased under any of the laws relative to the public domain, then and in such case said lands shall be offered for sale at the oiHce of the provincial secretary, or such other officer as by the said government may be describe as mining recorder of the province or departmentin which the same shall be situated, as the case may be, under such regulations as may be prescribed by said overnment and sold to the hig est bidder for cash at a price of notdess than six pesos per » hectare; and in case such lands fail to sell when so offered, then the rnvmuis. ` same shall be subject to private sale at such office, for cash, at a rice . not less than six pesos per hectare, in the same manner as other limds in the said islands are sold. All executive proclamations relating to P*‘°¢=l•=¤=*i°¤¤*¤¤1¤¤· the sales of public saline lands shall be published in only two newsapers,—one printed in the English language and one in the Spanish lhnguage, at Manila, which shall be designated by said secretary of the interior." Sec. 10. That section eight of an Act of Congress approved March dll_" §fml$l"'°§g,_ second, nineteen hundred and three. entitled "An Act to establish in **m°¤•*°**· standard of value and to provide for a coinage system in the Philippine Islands," is hereby amended by striking out the word "ten" in said section and inserting in lieu thereof the words " five hundred," sc that said section when amended shall read as follows: “· Src. 8. _That the treasurer of the Philippine Islands is hereby ,,,f,'}§,`,§§f’°*“ °°“°"“‘ authorized, in his discretion, to receive deposits of the standard silver coins of one peso authorized by this Act to be coined, at the treasury of the government of said islands cr any_of its branches, in sums of not less than twenty pesos, and to issue silver certriicates therefor in denominations of not less than two pesos_ nor .IIlOl'(-3 than five hundred pesos, and coin so deposited shall be retained m the treasury and held for the payment of such certificates on demand, and used for no other urpose. Such certificates shall be receivable for customs, taxes,_and lbr all public dues in the Philippine Islands, and when so received may be reissued, and egvhen held by any lgapking asspciation in said islands ma be count as a art o its aw u reserve. Sec. 11.yThat the governriient of the Philippine Islands is_ hereby ,,g§'$';§Q“°“ f°" authorizedtomodify, suspend, or repeal the provisions respectmglton- etgl€g;n:gd_ ¤¤•>d¤*Y· nage dues set forth in sections fourteen and hfteen of an Act entitled 1’bst,p.975. “ An Act to revise and amend the tariif laws of the Ph1l1pp1ne Archipelago," enacted by the Philippine Commission on the seventeenth day of September, nineteen hundred and one, and confirmed by an