Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/747

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660 - FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 297. 1905. one clerk of class two; five clerks of class one (increase of two by transfer from temporary roll); two clerks, at one thousand dollars each (increase of one by transfer); two copyists (increase of one by transfer from temporary roll); two messengers (increase of one by transfer from temporary roll); and one assistant messenger; rn all, twenty thousand six hundred ollars. srgmromce. Sroxur. Orrrom: For chief clerk, two thousand dollars; two clerks of class four (increase of one by transfer from temporary roll); two clerks of class two (transferred from temporary roll); four clerks of class one (increase of three by transfer from temporary roll); six clerks, at one thousand dollars each (transferred from temporary roll); three clerks, at nine hundred dollars each (transferred from temporary roll); · two clerks, at eight hundred and forty dollars each (transferred from . temporary roll); one messenger, one assistant messenger (transferred from tem rar roll); and one laborer; in all, twenty-five thousand eight hundiged drollars. "$¤p·r•erm¤¤¤¤<·>e¤· Orrrcm or run Qunrmruusrnn-Gnunnanz For chief clerk, two °°m°°' thousand dollars; eleven clerks of class four; ten clerks of class three (increase of one by transfer from temporary roll); twenty-three clerks of class two; fifty-eight clerks of class one (increase of nineteen by transfer from temporary roll); twenty-eight clerks, at one thousand dollars each (increase of fourteen b transfer from the temporary roll and six from skilled ty writers); hteen clerks, at nine hundre dollars each (transferred flbm temporary roll); ten clerks, at eight hun- ‘ dred and forty dollars each (by transfer from temporary roll); one clerk, seven hundred and twenty dollars (transferred from temporary roll); experienced builder and mechanic, two thousand five hundred dollars; two inspectors of sup lies for the Army, at two thousand Eve hundred dollars each, to be seldcted and appointed by the Secretary of War; draftsman, one thousand ei ut hundred dollars; assistant draftsman, one thousand six hundred drdlars; two assistant draftsmen, at one thousand four· hundred dollars each; two assistant draftsmen, at one thousand two hundred dollars each (tr·ansfer from temporary roll); one assistant draftsman, one thousand dollars (transfer from temporary roll); civil engineer, one thousand eight hundred dollars; assistant civil engineer, one thousand two hundred dollars; electrical engineer, one thousand eight hundred dollars; one marine en `neer, two thousand five hundredg dollars (transfer from tem rary rollgl four messengers; eleven assistant messengers (increase otpttwo by transfer from temporary roll); female messen r, four hundred and eighty dollars; two assistant messengers, at sixfundred dollars each (by transfer from the temporary roll); two laborers; in all. two hundred and twenty-eight thousand nine hundred dollars. "E,9s¤&=g,{,j·$¤*v<*¢¤- Orrrcr: or rm-: Commrssnnr-Gmxnmr.: For chief clerk, two thou- _sand dollars; three clerks of class four (increase of one transferred from temporary roll); four clerks of class three; six clerks of class two (increase of one transferred from temporary roll); twenty clerks of class one (increase of nine by transfer from tem rary force); sixteen clerks, at one thousand dollars each (increase oipgeven b transfer from temporary roll); ten clerks, at nine hundred dollars eacll(incr·ease of ten by transfer from temporary roll); three assistant messengers (increase of one by transfer from temporary roll); two laborers; in all, seventy-four thousand six hundred and eighty dollars. , O§,@;$°°¤·“°¤°*¤l'¤ Orrrcm or THE SURGEON-GENEKAL1 For chief clerk, two thousand dollars; fourteen clerks of class four; eleven clerks of class three; twenty-six clerks of class two (increase of one by transfer from tempmary roll); thirty-two clerks of class one (increase of four by transfer · m temporary roll); ten clerks, at one thousand dollars each (increase of seven y transfer from temporary roll): six clerks, at nine hundred dollars each (transfer from temporary roll): anatomist, one thousand six hundred dollars: engineer-, one thousand four hundred dollars;