Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/699

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612 FIFIY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. CHS. 52, 53, 55. 1905. January 21. 1905 CHAP. 52.-An Act To transfer Fayette Coimty from western to southern judi- [H· R16?""] cial district of Texas. · [Public, No. 19.] _ _ Be it enacted by the Senate and [House of Representatives of the United

 States of America in,. Ozmgress assembled, That Fayette County shall

diciul district. be taken out of the western judicial district of Texas and placed in the mmifrigri rg°°my southern judicial district of said State, and `all process in causes arising auY;l;,ed”· P- °5· in said county shall hereafter be returnable to Houston. Au cases to be tried Sec. 2. That all causes of action, civil and criminal, that have accrued “°H°““°"' or may hereafter accrue in said county of which the courts of said southern judicial district of Texas have jurisdiction shall be cognizable in said courts at Houston in said district. WQQQQJW °”°' “°‘ Sec. 3. That the provisions of this Act shall not affect any civil or `criminal cause pen ing in said western judicial district out of said Fayette County at the time this Act becomes a law, but such case or cases shall roceed as if under existin law. R¤r><»r Sec. 4. Tihahtd all laws and parts 0% laws in conflict herewith are _ hereby repeal . _ Approved, January 21. 1905. .1•mu¤ry21,,1906. CHAP. 5B.—An Act To authorize the Union Trust and Sto Com n to [H' R' 16582; change its corporate name. - nge pa y [Public,No. .] . Be it enacted the Senate and House 0 Re esentatives 0 the United Ddirthirthirqiiimirbrih States of Amefiiza in Congress assemblgt, Tzhht the Unioii0Trust and “‘3{,‘§,$,,°§°“{,'}‘“§',;m, Storage Company, of the District of Columbia. a body corporate, ¤¤\g1gj>¤;¤¤· 625 duly incorporated under an Act approved October first, eighteen hun- ' ’P'dred and ninety, and entitled "An Act to provide for the incorporation of trust, loan, mortgage, and certain other corporations within Ugfwm? the District of Columbia} be, and is hereby, authorized to change its name to the Union Trust Company of the District of Columbia, the said change of name to be complete and effectual when said corporation shall have tiled with the recorder of deeds of the District of Columbia an amended certificate of incor ration setting forth the change in name hereby authorized, and shail) also have filed a. copy of said amended certificate of incorporation with the Comptroller of the Currency of the United States. ·¤¤¢¤¤¤¤¤*~ AS12c. 2. That Congress may at any time amend, alter, or repeal this ' ct. · Approved, January 21, 1905. J¤¤¤¤fr @.1905- CHAP. 55.-An Act Providing for the extension of the national cemetery, on in R· 197*] Williamsburg tumpike, near the city of Richmond, Virginia. Public, No. 21. [ 1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of R esentatinea of the United R{:;{j:)*;?({’{,°;§€*¢¤’· States 0; rjlmeriea in Oongreaa assembled, Tm the Secretary of lVal‘ mimcljgaei gimp3rd;: he, and e rs hereby, authorized and directed to purchase such additional ,.;_ land as may be necessary for the extension o the national cemetery, on the Vibilliamsburg turnpike near the city of Richmond, in Virginia, ‘ to provide burial for such soldiers, sailors, and marines as are by law Appropriation. entitled to interment in said cemetery; and to provide for the purchase of said land, and for the necessary improvement of the same, and inclosiug with stone wall and drainage, the sum of four thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Approved, January 23, 1905.