Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/680

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592 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. RES. 36—-38. 1904. Agri! 28, 1904· {No. 36.] Joint Resolution Relating to the exemption of all private property at sea, [ ·‘l· R' N2`] not contraband of war, from capture or destruction by belligerent powers. Pub. Res., No. 35. [ . . ] Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United bgeliixidlzgfiorzk- States of America in Cbngress assembled, That it is the sense of the Cong;'g,’“;g{‘,§;'f;jb§;Q,!g gross of the United States that it is desirable, in the interest of uniof war. from capture. ormity of action by the maritime states of the world in time of war, °°°` that the President endeavor to bring about an understanding among the principal maritime powers with a view of incorporating into the permanent law of civilized nations the principle of the exemption of all private property at sea, not contraband of war, from capture or destruction y elligerents. Approved, April 28, 1904. c A $1904- . . ’ lu ion For a in en of members of Board of Managers

 of gil;) N3sitii>n¤i10li1l>mI;8igr Igisabled Vgi);n£ Schdiers.

b. Res., No. 36.] [;:mm, Ham for Resolved by the Senate and Ease of R?_resentat£ves of the United Disabled voiumem States of America in Congress assem led, hat Martin . McMahon, m{{,’,f§,‘,‘}Q{,‘;§§,;_f of New York; John M. Holley, of Wisconsin; William Warner, of Missouri; Hen H. Markham, of California; Henry E. Palmer, of Nebraska; andrbranklin Murphy, of New Jersey, be, and the same are herebv, appointed as members of the Board of Managers of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers of the United States— General Martin T. McMahon to succeed himself, his term of service expiring April twenty—iirst, nineteen hundred and four; John M. Holley to succeed John L. Mitchell, his term of service expiring A ril twenty-first, nineteen hundred and four; William Warner to fillla vacancy caused by the resignation of Colonel Sidney G. Cooke, whose term of service expires April twenty—iirst, nineteen hundred and six; Henry H. Markham to succeed Major William H. Bonsall, whose term of service expires April twenty—iirst, nineteen hundred and four; Captain Henry E. Palmer to succeed himself, his resent term of service expiring April twenty—iirst, nineteen hund)red and four; Franklin Murp y to fill a vacancy caused by the death of General Alfred L. Pearson, whose term of service expires April twentydirst, nineteen hundred and six. Approved, April 28,190-1. AEpril25¤,1904. [No. 38.] Joint Resolution Authorizing the Secretary of \Var to allow to the

  · K 1****-] Anheuser—Busch Brewing Association a right of way through the eastern limits of the

[pub, Rss__ ;<0_ 3;] arsenal grounds at Saint Louis, Missouri. _ _ Resolved by the Senate and House of Re resentatives of the United §“;{*l‘el,j;';*§_g{;’§ch States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of V\'ar m-swing _.i¤¤»m¤m»¤ be, and he is hereby, authorized to allow to the Anheuser-Busch Brew- €{,°;'3°§lgY,gT,‘§f€§T§{ ing Association a right of way through the extreme eastern limits of 5*°¤¤d¤ ***· the United States arsenal grounds at Saint Louis, Missouri, for railroad purposes, upon such terms and conditions as he may prescribe, reserving to the Inited States the right to remove, at the expense of the said association, the rails, ties, and other pa.rts of said road whenever the Secretary of l`Var shall direct, without any claim or right of damages on the part of said company. Approved, April 28. 190-L