Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/657

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1820. 1904. 569 GRANDE Roman Asnncr, Orme., June 27, 1901. I certify that the total number of male adult Indians over 18 years of age belonging on the Grande Ronde Reservation, Oreg., is 107, of - whom 60 have signed the foregoing agreement. Asnnnw Knnsmw, Superintendent and Special Disbursing Agent. DEPARTMENT or run Inrmuon, December 20, 1901. Approved. . E. A. Hrrcncocx, Secretary. Therefore, ~ ~ , Be it enacted by the Senate and Hmweqf Representatives 0 f the United- States 0_/'America in Oowgress assembled, That the said agreement be, ed‘f,jf,°,'j‘,§',§§,df“°““‘ · and the same is hereby, accepted, ratihed, and confirmed, as herein amended and modified as follows: ARHCLE I. The said Indians belonging on the Grande Ronde Rese1·- I"“"l” °°°°°· vation, Oregon, for the consideration hereinafter named, do hereby cede, surrender, grant, and convey to the United States all their claim, right, title, and interest in and to all that part of the Grande Ronde Reservation remaining unallotted on the date of this agreement, except- E¤°€P¤°¤- ing the four hundred and forty acres of land reserved for Govern- . ment uses at the time their allotments in severalty were made, the land hereby ceded and relinquished approximating twenty-five thou~ sand seven hundred and ninety-one acres. Anr. II. In consideration of the lands ceded, relinquished, and con- *"·‘° °*°°'*°‘“•"°'· , veyed by Article I of this agreement, the United States stipulates and ‘:E;·ees to dispose of the same on sealed bids, and to pay to said Indians ,,,*’;",,fL'¤**" P""‘““* proceeds derived from the sale of said lands in cas pro rata, share and share alike, to each man, woman, and child belonging on the said Grande Ronde Reservation, as follows, to wit: To adults of eighteen years of age or more, as soon as practicable from and after the date _ of the rati cation of this agreement, and to each minor as they arrive M‘“°”' ·‘“°·"°“· at the age of ei bteen years; and that the pro rata shares thus retained until the beneficiaries attain the a e aforesaid shall be de osited in lump sum in the Treasury of the United States to the credit of said Indians, and shall draw interest at the rate of five per centum per annum, which interest shall be paid to the parents or guardians of said ,,,},'§l€,',‘f"‘l° "’*’"` minors annually per capita, in cash, until said minors arrive at the age of eiglhteen years, and as each of such beneficiaries arrive at the age of cig teen years they shall be paid their share in full. Aur. I I. It is understood and agreed that the four hundred and b,$;>$•tl;j,¢,,dl°•¤,;•};,¤{•;g forty acres of land reserved for Government purposes, referred to in Article I of this agreement, shall, when no onger required by the United States for educational or other purposes in the interests of said Indians, be allotted to minor beneficiaries who have not received any allotments of land, or be sold for the benefit of the Indians parties hereto, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior, and under such regulations as he ma)y(;(prescribe. Ama IV. It is underst that nothing in this agreement shall be ,¤?',,[*,',_€p?},°,;f,Y”°“‘ construed to deprive the said Indians of the Grande Ronde Reservation of any benefits to which they may be entitled under existing treaties not inconsistent with the provisions of this agreement. Arrr. V. This agreement shall take effect and be in force when E¤¤=¤· accepted and ratified by the Congress of the United States. Su f H Sec. 2. That for the purpose of carrying the provisions of this Act mmf ° ‘""‘ °"°° into effect the Secretary of the Interior shall e, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to sell, under such rules and regulations as he