Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/655

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FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I1. Cris. 1818-1820. 1904. 567 ling and necessary exposure, the duty, if id, shall be assessed according to the appraised value at the time oixwithdrawal for consumption and all penalties prescribed by law shall be applied and enforced S,,£‘°’},’§},”" f°’ m°g"·1 against the person who may be guilty of any illegal sale or withdrawa1."i Approved, April 28, 1904. CHAP. 1819.-An Act To permit the construction of a smelter on the Colville Agni12B. 1904. Indian Beservauon, and for other purposes. [ -1*- 1158*%} Public, No. 251. Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0 f R esentatives of the United [ 1 States of America in Oem ress assembled, mt the Secretary of the °r$j,’Q'j}}°I”"*““ RW Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to permit the Keiiqrlnnd Indiana Kellar and Indiana Consolidated Smelting Company, a corporation ?{’g”§2iL°i,'§'§,‘}m,€;§?},‘fi,t§ organized under the laws of the State of Washington, to construct a g;§‘{°,£0,’{ ,g’g§,}‘§{, °“ smelter in the immediate vicinity of the San Poil River, in the south` half of the Colville Indian Reservation; that the smelter shall belocated on the San Poil River, and that permission be granted to construct a Hume from the site of the smelter to a point on the San Poil River Fl“'”°· where a water supply can be made available; that six acres of land be set aside for the site of the smelter, and a strip of land of sufficient sitewidth allowed for the erection and construction of the Hume; that per- _,,1,Q",§,'j,",f,ff’ °‘ "“‘*’°‘ mission shall be given to the Kellar and Indiana Consolidated Smelting Company to purchase timber and stone necessary for the work of construction; that the Secretary of the Interior shall permit the work to _ be done under such rules and regulations as he may prescribe, and he ,,§“°° °’ ‘““"·“"""°— shall also prescribe the prices the said Kellar and Indiana Consolidated Smelting Company sha pay for the land, the stone, and the timber — used in the construction work: Bwided, That the laws re lating 1 an i intercourse with Indians shall be applicable to the lands set asidd] under :m¤iiis?»iT1`lrir¤r·ii¤if§ this Act, so long as the south half of the Colville Reservation remains “”“°“°1°‘ as an Indian reservation. Approved, April 28, 1904. CHAP. 1820.-An Act To ratify and amend an agreement with the Indians located A!p•IIl28,19Q|. upon the Grande Ronde Reservation, in the State of Oregon, and to make an appro- [ · R- 1***-] priation to carry the same into effect. [Public. No. 252.] \Vhereas James McLaughlin, United States Indian inspector, acting Grande Ronde m in behalf of the United States, did, on the twenty-seventh day of June, °rYrZimi>iiiF" nineteen hundred and one, conclude an agreement with the Indians residing on the Grande Ronde Reservation, in the State of Oregon, which said agreement is as follows: This agreement made and entered into on the twenty-seventh day of wgsrvepapbgswitgr June, nineteen hundred and one, by and between James McLaughlin, °m° ° '° ' U. S. Indian inspector, on the part of the United States, and the \Villamette tribes and other Indians belonginglon the Grande Ronde Reservation in the State of Oregon, witnesset : Anrrcu: I. The said Indians belonging on the Grande Ronde Reser- ¥»¤d¤ ¤¤¤¤d- vation, Oregon, for the consideration hereinafter named, do hereby cede, surrender-, grant, and convey to the United States all their claim, right, title, and interest in and to all that part of the Grande Ronde Reservation remaining unallotted on the date of this agreement, excepting the four hundred and forty acres of land reserved for E¤¢¤1>¤i¤¤- Government uses at the time their allotments in severalty were made,