Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/334

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246 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1-117. 1904. levied may be sold for said delinquent installment at the next ensuing annual tax sale in the same manner and under the same conditions as property sold for delinquent general taxes, if said installment shall not have been paid prior to said sale. _ _ _ cops? mud not Sec. 5. That roperty in the county of Washington, not subdivided · {Hg"' "d“°"°‘°°°°°` into blocks or lots, or both, shall not be assessed for water mains or Prwiwv. service sewers until subdivided: Prcmided, That where houses are built E‘°°P°1°”' on any unsubdivided land and connection is made with a water main or service sewer, assessment shall be made as herein provided fO1` in the case of subdivided property by assessing a frontage of fifty feet on each side of said connection with a depth of one hundred feet, except that no double assessment shall be lev1ed; said assessment to be levied — within sixt days after said connection is made; and if such unsubdivided land is thereafter subdivided into blocks or lots, such lots shall be assessed as herein rovided as to subdivided lands, but the fifty feet on each side of connection, with a depth of one hundred feet, M1 ¤¤Mivi¤i<>¤¤ shall not be again assessed: Promdedfunher, That hereafter assess- °”°°bl°' · ments at the rate and in the manner herein provided for shall be levied » against each lot or parcel of land abutting any water main or service sewer‘in all subdivisions of land, within sixty days after the recording of such subdivision in the office of the surveyor of the District of sxmpams. Columbia, except in cases where said lots or parcels of land have been previously assessed for the same main or service sewer. Unievied •¤¤¤¤•- Sm. 6. That in all cases where water mains have heretofore been mms` laid and assessments therefor against abutting lots or land not levied pending the introduction of water into such lots or land, under the "°*- ”°- 1*-72*- rovisions of an Act of Congress approved July eighth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, such assessments shall be levied under the provisions of this Act. R¤¤-‘¤€¤¤¤¢¤*- Sec. 7. That the assessor of the District of Columbia is hereby _ authorized and directed in cases where water-main assessments, or assessments for service sewers, may be quashed, canceled, set aside, or declared void by the supreme court of the District of Columbia, or may otherwise be canceled or set aside, by reason of an imperfect or erroneous description of the lot or parcel of ground against which the same shall have been levied, by reason of such tax or assessment not having been authenticated by the proper officer or by reason of a defective return of service of notice, or for any technical reason other than the right of the authorities of the District of Columbia to levy assessment or lay the main or service sewer in respect of which assessment was levied, to rclevy such assessment at the rate and in the manner pro- {.’{{;',{*'{g;m,_ vided for in this Act: IM>·m°ded, 'l`hat such reassessment shall be made within sixty clays from date of such cancellation. mRl;_i··»·=·l of www Sec. 6. That all sums received by the collector of taxes under the " provisions of this Act on account of assessments levied for the construction of service sewers shall be credited to the appropriation under which the sewer was constructed for the fiscal year in which such sums shall be received. “*"'“'° “°"°¤‘- Sec. 9. That a service sewer within the meaning of the provisions of this Act shall be a sewer with which connection may be directlv made for the purpose of providing sewera e facilities to abutting property, and suc sewers shall be so indicated on the records of the sewer division of the engineer department of the District of Columbia. I Renal. Sec. 10. That all Acts and parts of Acts inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed. Approved, April 22. 1904.