Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/316

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228 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1405. 1904. c°l::W°“*·¤ m°°*'*° "Sec. 2. The right is hereby granted to the Hawaiian Electric r¤€}”:igL·»¤¤:sa. Company, Limited, as a body corporate under that or such other name as the said company may hereafter adopt, and its successors and assigns, to manufacture, sell, furnish, and sup? y electric light, electric current, or electric power in the district of onolulu, on the island of Oahu, Territory of Hawaii, for lighting the streets, roads, public or private buildings, or for motive power, or for any other purpose which it or they may deem advisable, and from time to time, for the purposes above mentioned, to construct, maintain, and operate suitab e (poles, lines, wires, cables, lamps, lamp·posts, conductors, conduits, an such other appliances and appurtenances as may from time to time be necessary for the transm1ssion, distribution, or supply of electricity to ‘ consumers thereof, under, along, u n, and over the streets, sidewalks, roads, squares, bridges., alleys, anci)l)anes in said district of Honolulu, and to connect the said lines, wires, and conductors with any manufactory, private or public buildings, lamp, lamp·posts, or other structure or object with the place of supply. “BUILDINGS AND srynous. ,,£f‘“*”¤‘ '““* '“‘ "Sr:c. 3. Said company shall also have the right to maintain and operate its present light and power station on the corner of Halekauwila and Alakea streets, in said Honolulu, and also to construct, maintain, and operate, at such points as may from time to time be necessary, light and power stations or houses, or such other buildin s and structures as may be necessary and proper, and to use machinery therein for the purposes of the company. . “METEBS, mms, AND ominous. ` cb§fg°g8”· "*‘°“- md "Sr:c. 4. Said company shall also have the right to maintain, oper- ` ate. and use electric meters or other means of measurin electric light, power, or current supplied from time to time, and to locate the same at such places as may be deemed necessary for their protection; and said company shall also have the right to charge, receive, and collect from all consumers of electricity such reasonable prices as may from time to time be fixed and determined by the company, but such charge shall not at any time exceed seventeen cents per kilowatt hour or one thousand watt hours: I ’roa·id¢·d, however, That the company shall have the right to charge, receive, and collect from each consumer of electricity for lighting the sum of two dollars wer month, and from each consumer of electricity for power the sum oi one dollar per month per horsepower of apparatus connected to the service of the company: 1’»·m-/l/ld, That power is hereby conferred upon the courts of appropriate jurisdiction at all times and upon the petition of any consumer or the company to hear and determine from time to time what rate or rates are reasonable. and to enforce the same by appropriate judgment or decree. ‘ ‘ coxsacrioxs. ¤<>¤¤¤<=¤¤¤s "Sec. 5. Said company shall also have the right to charge consumers. or applicants for the use of electricity. for one-half of the cost and expense of making connections between the companv’s main lines and the premises where the electricity is to be used: such cost and expense to include the price of all wires, poles, insulators, and other materials, and labor necessar Y to be used in making such connections: ]°r*r»0¢`Jec], Mr?/wei', That the COIHPBDV slltlll H0t be required to make, construct, or maintain said conncctioiis as aforesaid for su plying light or power unless the applicant or applicants for such light or power, if required. shall deposit in advance with the companv a