Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/311

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l·`II·`TY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1402. 190-L 223 the southeast quarter of section twenty-one, and the north half of the northeast quarter ot section twenty-eight in township six north, range two east of the Indian meridian, in conformity with the order and decree of the judge of the district court for Pottawatomic Countv, Oklahoma, at the regular A ril term, eighteen hundred and ninety- eight. which decree was rendered in the divorce case of Joseph C. Me-lot against Louisa Melot. decreeing said land to the said Louisa Mtrilot as alimony. ° `hat Mark Burns, Chi ewa allottee numbered seventeen census of M°'k B"'"- eighteen hundred· and eighty-nine), to whom a trust patent has been mgideiiiesmmcns rcissued containing restrictions upon alienation, may sell and convey from his allotment to the village of Cass Lake, count of Cass, State of Minnesota, the certain ten acres described as follows: Commencing eighty rods north from the quarter post on the section line between sections nine and sixteen, running thence north forty rods, thence east forty rods, thence south forty rods, thence west forty rods to the place of beginning, being ten acres located in the southwest corner of the northwest quarter of the southeast quarter of section nine, township one hundred and forty-five north, range thirty-one west, on the Chippewa Reservation, Minnesota, but such conveyance shall be subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, and when so approved, shall convey a full title to the purchaser the same as if a final patent without restriction had been issued to the allottee. — That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he hereby is, authorized ,,,§i‘,g‘;’g;,h‘;;°g;§‘,§,§_‘S€· and directed to issue tents in fee severally, to Bert Dietrich, George Pmnwu in fee w A. Dietrich, Vlfillie Earl Dietrich, Clarence A. Dietrich, Ruby G. °°mi°° °“°°°' Dietrich, Thomas M. Dietrich, Charles Roache, Octaviana Roache, Sataro Roache, Brigida Roache, Sahuépone or Sarapio Roache, Homy . or Mary Roache, Pautrice Roache, Can elario Roache, Nicholas Roache, Kit Carson Farwell, Pearl Farwell, and Num mah che or Gertrude Farwell. members of the Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache tribes of Indians, for the lands heretofore allotted to them, res ctively, in the Territory of Oklahoma, and all restrictions as to the sal; incumbrance, or taxation of said land are hereby removed. That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to issue patents in fee, severally, to Lotsee Dietrich, Pokin Roache, George Chandler (Allottee Numbered Two hundred and three), and Louisa B. Farwell, members of the Kiowa, Comanche, and Apache tribes of Indians, for the lands heretofore allotted to them, respectively, in the Territory of Oklahoma, and all restrictions as to the sale. incumbrance, or taxation of said lands are hereb * removed. That the following-named allottees of lands situated in the Qnapaw Ag;g}§j¤‘*‘ I¤*“¤¤ Agency, Indian T€I`l'itOI'y, RPG 8l1tl10I'iZ€d to alienate certain portions Saggrgntrictiopst gcof their allotments therein. described as follows, namely; Fred Long, ${’.},,,,,_’°“‘ ° “ “ the south half of the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section twenty-eight, twenty acres; John Faber, the east half of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section twenty-eight, twcntv acres: the heirs of George Bearskin, deceased, the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section twenty-two, forty acres; Annie Daugherty, the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section twelve, forty acres; and James Boone, lot numbered one in section three; all in township twenty-seven north, of range twenty- · fo r east. That the Secretarv of the Interior is authorized and directed to mE,§g{g,}{,*{,£{uL¤n*;j*° ‘ rmit an cxchan chof lands in Oklahoma Territory new included in Eoiva allotment giurnbered three hundred. and ten for certain other ‘ lands in same Territory now included in Kiowa allotment l\umbered three hundred and twelve, and to issue new allotment patents to the allottees interested carrying the exchanges into effect.