Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1494

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cxx INDEX. Post-O 're D arhnent-Continued. P¤g€· Postal »S1erz·ice—C0ntinued. P¤g€·· "!’ . . . . deficiency appropriation for postal service. 37, Office or Postmaster-General: 45, 414, 426, 1238, 1255 1 appropriation for advertising ... 429, 1082 for Emma S. Spates ... 414 i for miscellaneous ... 429 for contingent expenses 414, 1238 for delegates Postal Congress . 430, 1082 for Washington, D. O., building, doors- 414 for post-ofrlce inspectors 1082 A for postage ... 414 » for per diem inspectors in the field-- 1082 for purchasing agent; chief clerk ... 603 for salaries and expenses 1083 for Court of Claims judgments under- - - 1250 obtaining information . 1083 commissions to be issued under seal of . - - 990 for rewards . 1083 purchasing agent to be appointed, salary, Office of First Assistant Postmaster-Gen~ duties etc 440 era : right to malie regulations, etc., not m0di· appropriation for postmasters ... 430, 1083 fied by postabservice act ..,... 439 for assistants, first and second class rural carrier examining board, transferred offices .. _430, 1083 t0 Civil Service Commission ... 643 for clerks, iirst and second class 4 P0st·O_[7ice Inspectors offices --—----·· ; ----—·-·-··- 430, 1083 appropriation for salaries; allowances - 438, 1082 3PP0}*}tm€¤tS Yesmcmq ·---·--·--— 1085 allowances when temporarily located PFOVISIOHS iQ!` Subsuliums from away from home, em . 1082 lapsed S¤1a¤¤¤ ------------------ 1085 deficiency appropriation for miscellaneous for Substitutes and t9mP0mYY Clerks — 433, Gxpm B----- · ----------·--·---·- 123** te hl k 433 18S? Post-(Mice {Supplies, _ f mP0m*iY C BY S 6 ----·—·~ _ y appropriation for suyermtendeut, etc .- 131, 677 or lmllsua _ USIDQSS an BBWNUDS for rent, Storage 0 __________________ 133, 679 mails, third and fourth class offices 433 PO8t_O1m_e8, Elxlfesem gte tgugliehedé allotment.-- g ¤¤¤¤>P¤¤*i¤¤ M Mmmm ---·-·--- 43°»1°83 for se pim mails tm.&`.;I1a‘ia.;;ei; for assistant postmasters ... 430, 1083 cgomges ’ · 1086 f<>=<=1·¤*¤¤’ Hm =·¤d ¤¤¢<>¤·¥¤*¤¤¤ --·- 43°»1°83 for unusual busfliésf m;a’m {glam; appointment, etc., restricted 1085 class Offices ” ’ _ 1086 for substitutes for clerks 011 vacation- 433, 1086 Service in Alaékh ’`’'‘’°`‘``‘`` 1086 for fmpomry clerks; Service in busy for clerical services 0urs . 433, 1086 · · ’ ’ restriction; full report on use of same- 433 aliggéggéal ‘''‘'‘‘'‘'`'‘‘‘‘'‘ for se ratiu mai s, and unusual busi- _ . `j. '‘'‘‘‘ 2 ‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘'‘ j EQ rmi; and fourth class . 433,1086 *¤;5g;¤ggg¤*~1¤€S» **¤¤*<**¤¤ Omcegég ,086 M gggggl Sq¤*<··i¤· *h*d·¤*¤¤¤ Omcgg ,086 mm,ugh{,;1;(iil1e4;¤m;`tgmi 433:1086 auowangga ‘'‘'`‘```' 433* 1086 for lease New Yorlg Central station- . - 434 for rent, light, and fuel; allowances- 433, 1086 fm?';? giggsylvanm Rmlmad Smtmm 434 for lease New York Central station . 434 " - ‘'````‘°``’'`'`‘` for purchase of site, Pennsylvania sta- iO:);?;sllunwuS’HmtaIld Second °la:§4 1086

  • ¥"“· N"' Y°’k ·················· 43* for adveriisixi ````` · ``````````````` 434,1086

_ for miscellaneous, Brest and second class. 434, z for canceling ‘'‘'‘‘ 43,; 1086 1086 . . ··········· · - · for assistant superintendents salary for advertising . 434,1086 _ _ . _· · ’ . . for canceling ,,,m,,,,€S _____________ 43,,, 1086 fm3¤£H ¤r¤;;€<;¤~ ¤¤¤<>¤ ----·---· 464.1;%% d gr Buppms ‘‘°`'`‘'`` {"`f]g}{"‘ 435’1°86 fvrswtivnerge 1086 ·‘ · 't' · 38,426 · ‘’‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘'’’‘‘‘‘ * °f£$2§l,?§Q5Zi?£‘23 3E2i ITT E XT . . I'?. 426, 1238 ;g; g{§g;,P{;j,§af,';§° {ed pm ·—-- jSj~?· {332 for miscellaneous, first and FBCUINI ("RFS. 1239 fm. Oqtmarkin ,- be-nil; . _ - · 4:;;, 1Qé'; Su})Stitl‘t€S to })€ I)Hld}£[`OH] salaries 1[P[I\Q(>(l > for {:r£nti“g etél ( ‘v ‘ '· I ‘- - — - · · on ar·cc>uut of a mance . 1085 , —’ ‘‘‘‘‘‘ · ‘‘‘‘`‘‘‘‘‘‘ - ’ - use of yay fur substitute clerks authorized EO; ;:;?e{l`(:d€r Supplies ```‘`` gg? or temporary clerk hire . . 38 Om 0 f ge a (fm? gi `ff 'i; `‘`' t °’ P0st_ROw€ MTS, ce (g I . eceu sus an os mas erappropriation for preparing, etc.; sale,. 134, 679 , apprg;r§:?0h for transportation Star Postage, eff., Stamps,routes ______________________ ’ __ 435 1087 appropriation formanufacture; distribution 437, y gm. Steamboat mums _____________ 435; 1087 , _ _ _ 1090 for mail-messenger service ... 435, 1087 deiicieuqgappropmation mr manufacture- 414 m,d€,·.,mund Service, Chicago _____ 435 for dlstnbution ~—--·--·---····-·----·· 1238 for pneutinatic-tube service --- 435 1087 Posluge-St<mzp Supplies, etc., l fm. Wagon Service ________________ 4g_;' 1087 appropriation for superintendent --...-. 132, 678 y for mam bag, etc _ _ _______ _ __ 435’ 1087 Postal Un·(Is,_ i convict labcr products -.-. . - . ’ 435 appropriation for manufacture; distribu- ¢ {O,. mai] locks and keys _ _ _ 436 1087 . tim -···-·-········· ·: —··----- *38· 1090 i for repair shop .-. 436,1087 deficiency appropriation for distribution- . 1238 l for railroad transportation ________ 436’_] 087 Poxlal Congress. Uniwrsal, Q weighing mails -,_-,,-.,,, _ ,______ 7 1033 ¤pI>Foplji8fi0I1 for delegates to 1082 , for postal-car service . 436, 1088 Postal Gu»r1e,_ Ojieial, _ _ for railway mail employees ... 436, 1088 appr0£:at10u for publication .. 134, 679 for railway mail service, assignment of Postal » ace (see also P0st—OiHce Dep¤.rt~ civil war veterans to office duty- 1088 ment), temporary clerks .. 436, 1088