Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1455

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mimx. lxxxi Lewis and Cgirk Centennial Exposition, Port- PKSG- Libmricm of Congress, Page- Icmd reg., , af f . 'ota t t 93 639 participaiiqn in ...- ,_ 175 E Libgiiggilzriggrelgiy acm H i 6 7 appropriation for crevy, l1te—s2.ving exhibit. 1163 Q appropriation for Librarian, assistant, etc- 93, 639 dehciency appropriation for lifesaving sta- i for chiefs of divisions, assistants, etc . . 94, 639 tion r .. _ .. 1218 for reading rooms, etc 94, 639 for expenses Congressional committee at 124 ior Congressional reference library 95, 640 _ opening.,-: .. 6 or law librar ... 95 640 UDpO¥'tS {OF €Xhib1t1OH to i)€ Hdlllittéd fI'€€ fgr ()()py;·ightygf¥](·g __________________ 95; 640 of duty .. 175 for distributing card indexes, etc .. -- . 95, 641 Sale for delivery at close of exposition- , 175 {Or Sunday Opening __________________ 95, 641 aqsessment, and collection of duties. . - 175 for purchasing books, periodicals, etc- - 95, 641 GX1I1Q1U by Chi! GOV€¥‘I1¤1€I1t; 800pe ... 176 for contingent expenses ______________ 96, 64] mvitatroln to Bureau of American Re- 176 for superintendent of building, clerks, PU ICS 1 -----------.-. --. etc ..,., 96 641 CPB8E10D of GOV€!`IlI1'1€I1t board; duties, for engineers, gte ____________________ 96;64] _etc . . 176 for Sunday opening ,___,_____________ 96 641 expenses; details permitted . 176 {or fuel, lights, etc ___________________ 96: 542 employees; d1Sb\{I‘S8mBDtS; advances. 176 for furniture, shelves, etc _____________ 96_ 642 forestry and irrigation building 177 for heating, etc., plant for _____________ 479 _8Qpl‘0pI’18·UOH {Of COSE, etc ... 177 for trees, etc., grounds of ,, 491 exhibits from Alaska ... 177 for printing and binding ,,. 512,1213 qppropnation for cost, etc . 177 deficiency appropriation ior fuel, light, em, 39' bm ings for Government exhibits, etc., delivery of records of constitutional con- H;1th0l‘1Z€d ... 177 vention to Vermont ... 589 USG 0 ; 00¤tr&0iS‘ 00st 177 printing of report of Librarian ordered for appropriation for construction, etc . 177 use of .._,..,.________________ 583 sale at close of exposition; preferences- . 177 Library of Cbngress, Superintendent of Buildallotment of space; free of charge .. 178 ing and Grounds, _ commemorative gold dollars to be coined- 178 appropriation for, clerks, employees, etc. 96, 641 delivery to Exposition Company ..- 178 for plans, etc., for power house for pubmedals to be made at mints --... 178 lic buildings -...-.-.-..- , . 511 delivery to Exposition Company -..--.. 178 Licenses, Alaska, liability limited to expenses of Govern- liquor, trade, etc., receipts, outside of ment exhibit .-.--.-.. 178 towns, made a fund for schools, expenditures, etc., to await subscrip- roads, etc ...--.-. 616 tions of $600,000 for exposition ex- LicenseS:2(iS’lean2b0afiLzspedi0n Seergcc, penses ..--...-...---. 178 refu suspen cd or ravok recxaminonliability for acts, etc., of exposition riation by supervising inspector ...- 1030 ofligers, etc .,..,...--...-...,.---- 178 by Supervising Inspector·Genera1 .-...- 1030 no liability for debts of Govemment board Liege, Belgium, in ox;-ess, of appropriations ----.-.- 1*7 9 _ appropriation for consul at ...-. Z5, 92% Lewis, Dalzell and (bmpany, _ mr dark hm ········-··············· '8= 926 payment of Court of Claims judgment to LU'€b°“_’*" I L _ p executors of Surviving partner 0g_ _ _ 764 requirements for oc ean and ake pax- l ·Q · senger vessels ..-.-.-..--.--.. 1023 Lew:. , David O., , _ _ payment of Court of Claims judgment to . 766 Ln":-I: ¢’$f;_:I’; 81 f defectiw on wqqeh wm; Le”`;‘°> Ed'"";";: h 1. . 1 . t 1r§S11i¥d10nhseng¢~r viessels.`.». I0;} P“Ym€$l$iqtr;i?;x (i90 muon ° mm 0 9*784 [ wiilful sale, etc., of uonbuoyaut, punished V ~, ··················· .'. ...-- ll LF Lewis, m.8_ Km, C, i Lmuxmiig fine am 1lll]>!`]“0l1lI)€l1t i Vgmm in f°° t°’ Rosebud 3**0**% ‘’‘‘’‘ 1067 l requiremyeuts for passenger vessels .-- 1023 L‘°""'9# Mark  ; Life-h?u·ing Medals, P3}`m*’nt m --········ · · ············‘‘··‘’8 I issue for saving life, etc., on railroads -.,. 743 Le?/‘[.•`¢ Riwr, _U'fl9?l., _ _ i regulaticms .--.-...--.-.- . .-... ... 743 appropriation IOP 1mp!`0\‘€I11€¤$ of .------- l14v , msettes, ribbons, etc --..,----.-..- , .. . T43 Lewisburg], W. Va. funds available .---.--.-.. T43 terms of court at, ..--·-·-- · ------ 548 , Life-.$m·ing »~(’I‘I`i(‘(’, Lexington, JIO., _ _ _ _ ‘ appropriation for general superintendent, bridge authorized across MQSFOUTI RlV€l` it- vi?8 assistant, clerks, etc -.-.- 103, 649 tinie exterided, ehé., for bflfigé BUFUSS )I1S· for rent .-,..--...--.-.-..-.-- -- 105, 651 eouri River at . - . . 715 fgr superintendents -..-.-.--...-... 459. 1162 [,dip·iny¢mi Nalin,-han Rai/uw; ciI772]I(Ul//2 for keepers _,_.,-,,,--..---...- . . . . 459, 1163 may bridge Missouri River, LGR1H2foD, __ )8 for crews, etc ..----.- il E. .- 459, 1163 Mo ,..,. . . . Gl station at Louisiana Pure ase ‘xp0sito allow stem;} 1’aiiway· trains 0Il_bl'1d{Z€ tion ,,,.,.. . .. - .. 459 noroee llissouri Rxvvr at Lexlngfml, _ _ for new stations ... 460, 1163 Mo _,,,,. , . - LU? dggiqignqy appropriation for expenses 42, time of construction extended ..· f 16 H5 ~ 424, 427, 1252 LM, · , for rent, etc. Q C6 ot .. - ..-. _ .: lf iapgiiopriation for minister resident and _ _ i for detail, I41W1S 8116 Clark EKP0S1¤0¤.- 1g1g c0m,u],g€,,€m; to ________________ 5g_ mg: — station establishedron Delay are co21st_ S;- for Sem-awry Of legamm __' _______ ;__;_ 69, 916 i Iaagle Harbor, 1~.eweenaxx Point, Mich . .2,} 1,em¢y,,smm»qr(8ee some ¤sLme¤y,>.&. >. Mme, Alaska --·-——--—·------·-—-—-·- M9