Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1426

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IiiINDEX. Fort E bert Alaska, P¤€€- For! Sherman Abandoned Milita Reservation, Pageg 7 Ty appropriation for survey, etc., road from Idaho, Valdez to 271 appropriation for custodian ... 485, 1186 dcuciency appropriation for survey, ctc., part of, donated to C0eur_d’Alone, Idaho, wagon road from Valdez to 1225 for park . . 485 Fort Erie, Canada, Fm-; Sig], Qklaw 8PP!`0D!'i3ti0!1 fo!' consul at ---—------—- · 76, 924 dafici(-may appropriation for Apaghg pris- Ibrt Griswold Tract, Conn., Oners 26 gun carriages donated to 54 For; Smdh, Ark., _ Fort Hall Indian Reservation, Idaho, b0U¥1d8{'_Y of Arkansas extended into Inappropriation for support, cm., of Indians dm T°mt°’Y DBM -·---·--··----- 714 of ,,.. 202, 1057 Fort Snelling, Minn., unsold lands ou, subject to entry 153 appropriation for post hospital ... 272 Fort Hall Indians, deficiency appropriation for shooting appropriation for fululling treaty with- 196, 1052 range 1225 Fort Learqnzvprth, Kam., r Fo"'! T°””{> gdk} d_ h 1 212 1074 appropriation for general serwce and staff **PPY°P!'mU0¤ OY D mn Sc 00 -···~ ;· » college. ._ ... 259, 827 Fort Totten, N. K (see also Submarine De— for p0st_h0sp1ta1 .. 2 . _. . 272 fgnsg School), _ mr penitentiary, construction; restric- appropriation for post hospital ... 272 tion ,... - . 505, 1205 or machinery, etc., torpedo depot . 847 subsiswnw -------------..·---·-- 509.1208 Fm mud waua Mmm Remvazm, Wm., · climbing. tr¤¤¤p<>r¤¤¢i<>¤. etc ------ 509,1209 reappraisal and sm 3 abandoned portion miscellaneous pxpenses .. 509, 1209 Oi __________________________ _ ____ 243 b<E1:*¤i ¤¤1>1>¤w¤ --·-·--·--------- 509, 1209 Fm Wayne, Mun., sa 'es . 509, 1209 d m ‘ ‘ m be d i, - deficiency appropriation for penitentiary, G ru;ig;iu?_Yv??_ _1;1j___\H]_ g??_ _13S5T}? 497 _ escaped prisoners . 1242 Fo»,·;ijiwiim,8, I Fo"'! L'8¢'”Z”,_Al¤~*k% _ _ _ appropriation for gun and mortar battcmes 234 appropriation for military cable from Sitka 260 {di- mddemizing Older gmplacgmgntg _ _ _ 345 Fort Logan, Cola., for fire·contr0l installations ... 845 appropriation for target range ,.. 1198 ior instaliling rézengé Enders} é .21. 234 pm., Mmdd iq_ Dah, or pure asa, s , ctc., o range n - appropriation for barracks ... 496 {HS: etc ---·--···---···----·----·-- 845 . . . f tg f d f ., 234 FM Mz1M !’¤—· N<~··¤l M¤v¤="·¢» {EI K.,E0$Q€§ZEE§LS __,_______,,__ 234, 845 Fappropriation for public works ... 339, 1105 i for preservation and repair _ _ _ _ U _ H- 2347 845 ort Jihssoula, Mont., i {Oi- piaiis ___________________________ 234, 845 acceptance of lands donated for enlarging, ioi- electric plants ___________________ 234, 845 yeserwiou ----·----------·------- 142 for Sw mus 234 845 Fm'! }[¢Z7”§`€» _A"'LZ· » _ for submarine mines 234; 845 appropriation for Indian school ... 212, 1074 contracts for ai] Works ____________ 234, 345 Fort Monroe, Va., for armament _ .. 234, 845 appropriation for artillery school .. 259, 827 for machine guns, carrmfeq, etc .. 234, 845 orwharf expenses . 498, 1198 for mountain, Held, sm mega cannon, - _ for roads, etc ,.,,., . . . . 498, 1198 carriages, otc .. . 235, 840 for sewer system ... 498, 1198 b8l8·DC8S_KyB|]8bl8 ...·-·-..·--·-··-- $46 For: Niagara, N. Y., foramrnumtiou . 235, 846 appropriation for additional ground .. 1198 for rapid-firq guns ... - 2;% Nm Peck Agfnqy, Mont., _ gm ammmimon ········· Y · ·i ······· appropikumon for support, em., of Ind1ag53 1057 fg;_`;€I:$;’l1$li§g;"0”· mmm Sv 8 c ····· 2S5v 846 0 . . . ···················· * Nm Peck Imam; Rem:-umm, Mmu.,for inspecting instruments, mnge iindé 6 “""’°*"*““°" “" '°““"’°y* °‘°‘* 0* P"` 2 for ¤$$L$iYs}§6A' QUiéiiiéahiéé ```' 36 tion . 106 _ > ·» , . ···· • , M M ¤~·»-~ M $35 iii2E33E? ;2§;,1,‘:‘.,‘:'$""""’···;»3,5 551% ·*<=¤<=*¤¤·=v ¤vv¤>r>¤¤¤<>¤ fm ·¤¤¤¤m¤¤* *0 for Gourmet guns ... jjj II 1111 mi 846 Hm m¤¤¤==··=*·= M —-----·------—-·· 26 for mem, Sandy Hook proving FOTl POT(€T,N. Y., - Ound i-.--"--------.---'--.- ¤··¤¤¤* ¤¤<g¤· *¤g¤g·· gor 3*****0 Wm 843 {O.- »€»'mwm Amo, Gun mm. 236, 847 Supp v*,°'u (in ‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘ for Watertown Arsenal 236 Fm Pum({m’ TI M Pom!' Y" for Frankford Arsenal 236 Fj_grge2>¤¤g¤¤ *0* ~¤*<>¤¤g ----—--~--·--- 860 for pmhm, m., "°6£ ’ ‘aai»}.3A%iAé 0 1 y GM-,_____,_____,,,.,. - .,.. 236 847 apprepiiativn for cavalry and Held ¤¤ir rm Bri-];-Izgiysntrol installations 7236 for I:§:'tY;€h0§>éi --··-------··----·-- 259, for insular possessions, seacoast bai;36 847 ., ospi . . ig · _____________________ _ ____ for road on military reservation 836 Siiesrigsgawaii ______________ _ ______ , 236 Fm Sam H"?"w"· T“'·v , , seacoast gums, mounts, etc . 237, 847 appropriation for erection of hospital 838 additional mounts ________________ 347 Fort Sheridan, Ill., . ammunition .. - . 847 appropriation for post hospital .,.,,.. 272 seacoast morturs, mounts, etc 237 for additional land; reduced area .. 497 rapid-fire guns, carriages, ctc 237