Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1187

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1100 FIFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1481. 1905. lars; in all, sixteen thousand six hundred and sixteen dollars and e` hty-seven cents; P¤¤¤¤=<>¤· me- Clary-yard, Pensacola, Florida: For one clerk, at one thousand two hundred dollars; one mail messenger, at two dollars per diem., including Sundays; one electrician, at one thousand four hundred dollars; one draftsman, at four dollars per diem, one thousand two hundred and fifty-two dollars; one foreman laborer, at three dollars and fifty- two cents per diem, one thousand one hundred and one dollars and seventy-six cents; one stenographer, typewriter, and telegraph operator, at three dollars and four cents per diem, nine hundred and fifty- one dollars and fifty-two cents; one writer, at two dollars and eighty cents per diem, eight hundred and seventy-six dollars and forty cents; in all, seven thousand five hundred and eleven dollars and sixty-eight cents;

  • 0** B°>"*l· $· C- Naval station, Port Royal, South Carolina: One messenger and janitor, one dollar and fiftly cents per diem; one telegraph operator, including Sundays, two dollars r diem; in all, one thousand one hundred

and ninety-nine dollars andefifty cents; K°Y “'°'*~“°· Naval station, Key West, Florida: For one mail messenger, at six . hundred dollars; one clerk, at one thousand four hundred dollars; one ' messenger and janitor, at one dollar and seventy-six cents per diem; in all, two thousand six hundred and forty-two dollars and forty cents; N'"' °"’°°‘”'· L“· Navy-yard, New Orleans, Louisiana: For one clerk, at one thousand two hundred dollars; one rodman and inspector, at three dollars per diem; one messcnger and Janitor, at one dollar and fifty cents per diem; one stenographer an typewriter, civil engineer’s office, at nine hundred and fift dollars; one messenger and janitor, civil engineer’s office, at two dollars per diem, including Sundays, seven hundred and thirty dollars; one foreman laborer, at one thousand two hundred dollars; one draftsman, at one thousand five hundred dollars; one messenger, commandant’s office, at two dollars per diem, including Sundays, seven hundred and thirty dollars; in all, seven thousand seven hundred and ninety-six dollars and fifty cents; M“° m““‘· C"- N avy-yard, Mare Island, California: For one clerk, at one thousand four hundred dollars; one writer, at one thousand and seventeen dollars and twenty-five cents; one foreman mason, at six dollars per diem; one foreman laborer, at five dollars and fifty cents per diem; one pilot, at one thousand five hundred dollars per annum; one draftsman, at five dollars per diem; one mail messenger, at two dollars r diem, including Sundays; one messenger, at two dollars r digm; one electrician, at one thousand four hundred dollars; one fhgrenian joiner, at four dollars and fifty-six cents per diem: one telegra h operator, at three dollars and twenty-eight cents per diem; one clerk in civil engineer`s office, at one thousand dollars; in all, fifteen thousand two hun- S0 d W h dred and ninetv-one dollars and sixty-seven cents; mn uu ’ ”Navy- ard, Puget Sound, Washington: One clerk, at one thousand two hundred dollars; one draftsman, at five dollars per diem; one messenger and janitor, at one dollar and seventy-six cents per diem, including Sundays; one master of tu s, at one thousand two hundred dollars; one copyist, at nine hundred dollars; one electrician, at one thousand two hundred dollars; one writer and telegraph operator, at nine hundred dollars; one stenographer and typewriter, civil engineers office, at one thousand dollars; one writer, at nine hundred dollars; one messenger, at one dollar and seventy-six cents per diem, five hundred and fifty dollars and eighty-eight cents; one foreman carpenter, at four dollars and fifty cents per diem, one thousand four hundred and eight dollars and fifty cents; rn all, eleven thousand four hundred and sixgy-six dollars and seventy-eight cents; ‘ “‘“·lF““· ’·B· aval station, San Juan, Porto Rico: One clerk, one thousand two hundred dollars; one writer, commandant’s office, nine hundred and