Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1094

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F IFTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sress. III. Cris. 1441, 1442. 1905. 1007 diction in the State or Territory where said infant or lunatic resides, or any person at the request of said guardian or committee, may apply to the court by petition for ancillary letters as such guardian or committee. Said petition must be under oath and be accompanied P°““°“· with duly certified copies of so much of the record and proceedings as shows the faéppomtment of such guardian or committee and that he has given a su cient bond to account for all property and money that may i come into his hands by virtue of the authority hereby conferred. The A”°*“““°”'· court may thereupon issue to such guardian or committee ancillary letters as such guardian or committee, without citation, or may cite · such persons as it may think proper to show cause why the said appli— cation should be refused; and the said court shall require from such B°“°‘ person or persons the security required by law in like cases from a resident guardian or committee? Approved, March 3, 1905. CHAP. 1442.-—An Act For the extension of Nineteenth street from Woodley M¤1‘0h3» 1905- road to Baltimore street. [H· R·16uY·] rubric, N0. 175. Be it enacted by the Senate and House ofRq>resentatvIIvec of the United [ I States of America in Congress assembled, That within thirty days after D,§g$,f,;’(f,,C‘Q}}",Q.*,*j,**?,_; the passage of this Act the Commissioners of the District of Columbia veenrh sneer. be, and they are hereby, authorized and directed to institute in the d,,1,;rg°1°:,§ii;°§_°°°°°` supreme court of the District of Columbia, sitting as a district court, by petitionparticularly describing the lands to be taken, a proceeding in rem to conderxm the land that may be necessary for the extension ` of Nineteenth street from Woodley road to Baltimore street with a uniform width of fifty feet. Sec. 2. That the entire amount found to be due and awarded as A¤¤<=¤¤é¤:¤'¤ <gud¤¤¤· damages for and in respect of the land condemned for the extension °g°S °° °°° ` of Nineteenth street as herein provided shall be assessed by the jury hereinafter provided for as benefits, and to the extent of such benefits, against those pieces or parcels of land on each side of said street as extended, also on any or all pieces or parcels of land which will be benefited by the extension of said street as said jury may rind said pieces or parcels of land will be benefited, and in determining the amounts to be assessed against said pieces or parcels of land the jury shall take into consideration the respective situations of such pieces or parcels of land and the benefits they may severally receive rom the extension of said street as aforesaid, and the verdict of said 'ury shall also be for a sufficient sum to cover all the costs of the condemnation proceedings herein provided for. Sec. 3. Phat the said court shall cause public notice of not less than mN<>¤¢¤ vf vmm ten days to be given of the filing of said proceedings, by advertise— gsdverdsement. ment in such manner as the court shall prescribe, which notice shall warn all persons having any interest in the proceedings to attend court at a day to be named in said notice and to continue in attendance until the court shall have made its final order ratifyincr and confirming the award of damages and assessment of benefits of the jury; and in addi- F¤¤<>¤¤l S¢¤‘i¤¤- tion to such public notice said court, whenever in its judgment it is practicable to do so, may cause a copy of said notice to be served by the marshal of the District of Columbia or his deputies upon suc owners of the land to be condemned as may be found by said marshal or his deputies within the District of Columbia. Sec. 4. That after the return of the marshal and the filing of proof J¤¤’· of publication of the notice provided for in the preceding section. said court shall cause a jury of seven judicious, disinterested men, not related to any person interested in the proceedings, and not in the