Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1061

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974 F IFIY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1408. 1905. islands; and the provisions of this (paragraph in respect to books shall apply also to any in ividual importing not exceeding two copies of any one work for his own use and not for sale or hire. (b) Books and music in raised print, used exclusively by the blind. N°¤°°¤* "*°°° If the re lations in each case are not complied with, or if the Wm mmxiul . examnatioflis not entirely satisfactory, the exemlption shall be annulled, and the duties stipulated in the tariff shal be collected. \ ¤Tt,<j;¤__P°¤¤ i¤P°*· ARTICLES rims or DUTY sumncr T0 Tim r01zMALrrms rnnscmnnb IN mon CASE BY rms cUs·roMs Auruonrrxms. °“*'·°°°· 391. Casks, sacks, and large metal receptacles in use as immediate containers of dutiable imported commodities, when such receptacles d Mh Caare to be reexpprted. I bl th t °"°‘“ *'* °’ 392. rria train anima s, rta e eaters, circus equipmen s, qdwnmu paudgr·i1S’mas, wax figures, Enid other similar objects for public entertainment, imported temporarily. _ _ ·¤f"'°"°” '”"“‘ 393. Used household furniture of persons coming to settle in the Phil- _ ippine Islands, including such articles, e ects, and furnishings as pictures, books, pianos, organs, chinaware, and kitchen uten- ' ‘ sils, in quantities and of the class suitable to the rank and position of the persons bringing the same and intended for their mfor more own use and benefit and not_for barter or sale: Provided, That mmsyeu. they have all been used by said persons for more than one year; that they are brought within a reasonable time after the arrival of the owners, in the discretion of the collector of cus- B°°“'*°**"'”· toms: And provided further, That satisfactory evidence be roduced that such persons are actually coming to settle in the Philippine Islands; that the change of residence is bona fide, and that the privilege of free entry under this paragra h has E’°°P“°“’~ never been previously granted to them: And prm·¢'dedj`£rthez·, That if such persons are coming to the Philippine Islands from the United States and are citizens thereof, the eriod of one year specified in the first proviso of this paragraph shall not be effective. Officers of the United States Army, Navy, and · Marine Corps and religious missionaries taking stations in the islands sha] be given thesame privileges granted to other per- U,§’§,’e*},°°*g*,¤§B°°,§*,¤{’; sons in this article: And provi d_further, That all articles of omcem, ew. pgofessional equipment, wearing ap rel, and household goods longing to officers of the Unitedm States Army, Navy, and Marine Corps. officers of the Philippine government, and religious missionaries who are citizens of the United States, imported from the United States for their personal use and benefit and not for barter or sale, may be entered free of duty ' on the personal certificate of such person that they fulfill the er},::;;? ‘,*ffg'j °°" above conditions: Pr0mIa’ed, df/2/‘8'L‘€I’, That United States Gov- Inspection- ernment vessels, whether transports of the Army or naval vessels, when cominghfrom the United States or a foreign port to the ports of the P ilippine Islands, shall be subject to the same inspection by customs officers of the Phili pine government., for the purpose of determining whether they have on board articles or merchandise dutiable under the laws of the Philippine Islands, as such United States Government vessels are subject to by customs officers of the United States Government when such vessels enter ports of the United States from foreign countries for the purpose of determining whether such vessels have on board articles or merchandise dutiable under the laws of the United States.