Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 33 Part 1.djvu/1059

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972 FIFTY-EIGHTH (IONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 1408. 1905. (e) Having a capacity noflto exceed two hundred and twenty l`t ‘ . one do ar• (f) Hairmlghaiiaciiapacitydnirt th exceed foulr hundred and forty liters each one 0 ar and sevent - "ve cents; (g) Havipg’alpap•i§igy greatgrézptan four hundred and forty liters, eac t ree dollars an y cents. '*`°b°°°°·°"°· 364. Tobacco: , _ _ (a) In the leaf, uéimgnulfractpraed, N. kilo, fifty cents; (b) Manufacture `. . i o one 0 ar. _ 365. On all other goodsswares, merchhndise, and effects not otherwise enumerated or provided for, except crude materials, twenty- five per centum ad valorem. 366. On crude materials not otherwise enumerated, ten per centum ad valorem. · '¤*¤“¤*· ARTICLES_FREE or mrrr. 367. Trees, shoots, and plants. _ 368. Moss in a natural or fresh state._ _ 369. Copper, gold, and silver ores. _ _, P&mm°’°*•* "“‘ 370. Ordinary and usual commercial samples, imported by bona fide _ commercial travelers, after examination by the customs authorities apd upon the filing of a bpnd with security satisfactory to the co ector of customs or the exportation of said sam les P’°"*f°*—‘- within three months after their date of importation: Provided, M°¤¤“‘*'**°”- That said samples shall be positively identified by the customs aptporities beware exppftationé aindlthat their appraised value s a not exc two thousand dollars in any one case: And nm uma. p1·0mIdedfu¢·¢her, That the period of three months allowed for their exportation may be extended in the discretion of the collector of customs_ for a further period not to exceed three consignment. months, uppn application beipg maxi e tghitm in writing before e expira ion o e origma peri . n e case of an Y co - sggnment of bona fide commercial sample the appraisedlvaliile o which exceeds two thousand dollars, the owner may select any portion thereof up to two thousand dollars in appraised va ue for entry under the above provisions of this paragraph, and thei rgmandertpf the copsignment shams entered in bond or or u y as in e case o regu ar 1m ions. (a) All_samples of the kind, in such auantity, and of such dimensions or gpnstruction as to lren er them unsalable or of no apprecia e commercna va ue. m§g{g¤ °* <¤P·>¤°‘ 371. Articles of the growth, produce, and manufacture of the Phili - pine Islands exported to a foreign country and returned without having been advanced in value or improved in condition by guy plpoclpss of) manufgctulre or either means, and upon which no raw ac or oun y as een a owe . 372. Gold, silver, alpdtplatinum, in brogenéup gewelry or table services ars, s ee s, coins pieces, us , an scra . 373. Gold;;:zilv;e}:·,land plegvipuré, in articles manufactuiidd and stamped in e ll pine san s. 374. Fresh fruits. P 375. Fresh garden produce.

 lliresh meat, except poultry and game; also ice.

. res-; eg ... 378. Fresh mi§. . 379. Diamonds and other precious stones in the rough, unmounted. 380. Hand paintings in oil, water color, or pastel, and pen and ink drawings intended for use as works of art, and not as a part of decoration of any other merchandise, nor for use in the