Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/995

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930 FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cm'975.1903. oa.DNANo1: DEPARTMENT. ` O'd'”“l°°· One hundred and seventy-one thousand one hundred and twenty dollars. ‘·°"¥°'*‘Y- Additional pay for length of service, thirty-five thousand eight hun. dred and eighty dollars. QUARTERMASTEICS DEPARTMENT. geQ:{sf”"°“5'°'*°" One hundred and fifty quartermastensergleants, at four hundred and eight dollars each, sixtv—one thousand two undred dollars. ‘*°“¤'°'“"· Additional pay for length of service, fourteen thousand four hun~ dred dollars. suasismncn DEPARTMENT. g£;:*_'°*”’“¥"°" Two hundred commissary-sergeants, at four hundred and eight dollars each, eig gy-one thousand six hundred dollars. I·°"€°'“*'· Additional pay or length of service, nineteen thousand two hundred ' dollars. Euzcrmorau BERGEANTS (ARTILLERY ooars). !l°°"*°*°¤ ¤°*· i One hundred electrician sergeants, to be assigned for duty at such gm"' mma"` laces as the Secretary of War may direct, at four hundred and eight m·e,mcm_ dollars each, forty thousand eight hundred dollars: Provided, That there shall be added to the Artil ery Corps twenty-five master electricians, to be enlisted by the Secretary of War, after such examination . as he may prescribe, who shall receive seventy-five dollars per month and the allowance of an ordnance sergeant, twenty-two thousand five _ hundred dollars. “"‘“°'"’· Additional pay for length of service, four thousand and eighty dollars. SIGNAL CORPS. Sizml C<>¤>¤- Two hundred and thirty-one thousand nine hundred and sixty dollars. L¤¤S¢v¤Y· Additional pay for length of service`, thirteen thousand and eighty dollars. HOSPITAL cokrs. H<>¤vi¤¤1¢¤r¤¤· Seven hundred and seventy thousand four hundred dollars. i·<>¤z¢v*¤>‘- Additional pay for length of service, sixty-eight thousand six hundred and eightv dollars.

mm Provided, That hereafter the Hospital Corps of the United States

' Army shall consist of sergeants first class, sergeants, corporals, pri- V°'· "· P—“·5· vates first class, and privates; the rank and pay of sergeants first class, sergeants, and privates first class shall be as now provided by law for hospital stewards, acting hospital stewards, and privates of the Hospital Corps; corporals s all receive twenty dollars per month and privates sixteen dollars, with such increase on account of length of service as is now or may hereafter be allowed by law to other enlisted men. That the Secretary of War is authorized to organize companies of instruction, ambulance companies, field hospital, and other detachments of the Hospital Corps as the necessities of the wrvice may require. PAY T0 cnmzxs AND Msssnxemzs AT DEPARTMENT HEADQUARTERS, AT HEADQUARTERS or rua ARMY, OR THAT or me omnr or STAFF. £·>;¤ ·¤·* ¤¤¢>—;¢¤· One chief clerk at headquarters of the Army, or that of the Chief g t hudqmm m' of Staff, two thousand dollars dper annum. Four clerks. at one thousan eight hundred dollars each per annum.