Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/97

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F IFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 17. 1902. 31 For indemnity for lost clothing, three thousand five hundred and sixty-five dollars and thirty-three cents. For destruction of clothing and bedding for sanitary reasons, twenty-two dollars and eight cents. _ For bounty for destruction of enemy’s vessels, sixty-three dollars and forty-eight cents. For enlistment bounties to seamen, four hundred and twelve dollars and sixty cents. For extra pay to officers and men who served in the Pacific, ninety- four dollars and twenty cents. cLA1Ms ALLOWED BY THE Aumtroa Fon THE INTERIOR DEPARTMENT. €l¤i¤¤¤ ¤¤<>w~¤d by ggggmgfnetpp Interior For contingent expenses, Department of the Interior, five dollars and thirty-four cents. ' For maps of the United States, five thousand seven hundred and twenty-nine dollars and seventy-five cents. For maps of the public-land States, six hundred and eighty-seven dollars and ninety-six cents. For reimbursement to receivers of public moneys for` excess of deposits, twenty-five dollars. or contingent expenses, office of surveyor—general of Alaska, two dollars and seventy-six cents. For surveying the public lands, seven thousand five hundred and seventy-eight dollars and seventy-four cents. For surveying private land claims, six hundred and fifty-nine dollars and ninety cents. For Geological Survey, ninety-three dollars and fifty-eight cents. For tI°8»VC]lHg expenses of Indian inspectors, three dollars and eighteen cents. For telegraphing, and purchase of Indian supplies, forty-six dollars and eighty-four cents. For transportation of Indian supplies, thirty-five dollars and ninety- eight cents. or support of confederated bands of Utes: Beneficial objects, forty- six dollars and ninety-nine cents. For support of Sioux, M edawakanton band, fifteen dollars and eighty- four cents. For incidentals in Utah, including support and civilization, five dollars and fifty cents. For Indian schools, support, one hundred and seventy dollars and seventy-two cents. For Indian school, Genoa, Nebraska, one thousand two hundred and tbirty-five dollars and ten cents. For Indian school, Salem, Oregon, one hundred and seventy-nine dollars and eighty-three cents. For army pensions, two hundred and ninety dollars. For navy pensions, ten dollars. CLAIMS ALLOWED BY THE AUDITOR FOR THE STATE AND OTHER Claims allowed by Dmranmnms. §§Qg§‘,§§;,Fgf“‘°·°‘°·· Legislative : For printing and binding, twenty-four dollars and eighty cents. Uxecutive proper: For traveling expenses, Civil Service Commission, fifty cents. State Department: For foreign intercourse, as follows: For salaries of consular officers while receiving instructions and in transit, six dollars and thirty-four cents. For salaries, secretaries of embassies and legations, thirty dollars.