Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/947

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882 FIFTYSEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. 1I. Ch. 755. 1903. lars; one clerk, one thousand six hundred dollars; one cler·k, one thousand five hundred dollars; one clerk, one thousand four hundred dollars; one clerk, one thousand two hundred dollars; in all, ten thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. _ W¤8¤·· d E or wages for workmen and assistants, twenty-seven thousand o ars. GU¤*·i¤8°¤*°¤P€¤“°*· For ljnciderétgl and contingent expenses, inclpding rent of building, nine thousand ollars. ` ·re¤-iwnes. p eovmnsmnur nw rim rrnnnrrorums. A1¤·¤k¤- Tmuarronr or Amsxnz For governor, five thousand dollars; three jud es, at five thousand dollars each; three attorneys, at three thousand dollars each; three marshals, at four thousand dollars each; three clerks, at three thousand five hundred dollars each; in all, fifty-one thousand five hundred dollars. ’ For incidental and contingent expenses of the Territory, clerk hire, stationery, lights, and fuel, to be expended under the direction of the ` governor, two thousand dollars. Arizona Tmzarronr or Aruzorua For governor, three thousand dollars; chief justice, and three associate judges, at three thousand dollars each; secretary, one thousand eight hundred dollars; interpreter and translator in the executive officc, five hundred dollars; in all, seventeen thousand three hundred dollars. For contingent expenses of the Territory, to be expended by the governor, one thousand dollars. For legislative expenses, namely: For rent, messenger, postage, stationeiriy, fuel, lights, printing, and incidental expenses for secre- - tary’s 0 ce, two thousand dollars.` New umm. Trcnarronr or NEW Mnxrco: For governor, three thousand dollars; chief justice and four associate judges, at three thousand dollars each; secretary, one thousand eight undred dollars; and interpreter and translator in the executive office, five hundred dollars; in all, twenty thousand three hundred dollars. For contingent expenses of the Territory, to be expended by the governor, one thousand dollars. For legislative expenses, namely: For rent, light, fuel, telephone, ice, water, stationery, record files, record casings, rinting, postage, clerks, stenographer and typewriter, messen er and) porter, and incidentals in secretarv’s office, two thousand dolhirs. oxmmma. Trmrzrrour or Cxranomaz For governor, three thousand dollars; chief justice and six associate `udges, at four thousand dollars each; and secretary, one thousand eight hundred dollars; in all, thirty-two thousand eight hundred dollars. For contingent expenses of the Territory, to be expended by the governor for rents, private secretary, stenographer and typewriter, and typewriter supplies, janitor, messenger, fuel, lights, stationery and printing, postage, telegrarns, furniture for office, express, and other incidentals, one thousand dollars. For legislative expenses, namely: For rent of office, furniture, fuel, lights, stationery, clerk hire, printing, postage, ice, record casings and iilis, messenger, porter, stenographer, typewriters, janitor, and other _ incidental expenses of the secretary’s office, two thousand dollars; gym, ,0, mm, Provided, That that·portion of an Act making appropriations for the buiiditgjlsdm on d. legislative, executive, and judicial expenses o the Government for the Wm ‘ iiseal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and three, and for other pur ses, approved April twenty-eighth, nineteen hundred and ·*'·’*· P- **8- two, which) provides that the legislative assembly of the Territory of Oklahoma shall not make any appropriation or enter into any contract