Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/926

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FIFTYSEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 755. 1903. · 861 adopted by the House of Representatives January fifteenth, nineteen hundred, one thousand two hundred dollars. To continue the employment of the clerk to the conference minority of the House of Representatives, two thousand dollars. To continue employment and for compensation of the assistant foreman of the folding room, authorized and named in the resolution adopted by the House of Representatives February sixth, nineteen hundred, at three dollars and eighty-five cents per day, one thousand four hundred and five dollars and twenty-five cents. To continue the employment of the person named in the resolution of the House adopte June fifth, nineteen hundred, as a laborer, at fifty dollars per month, six hundred dollars. ` To continue the employment of the special messenger authorized and named in the resolution of the House ado ted February seventh, nineteen hundred, one thousand two hundred dollars. Successors to any of the employees tlprovided for in the seven pre- *PP°*¤¤¤¤¤*· ceding paragraphs may be named by e House of Representatives at any time prior to July first, nineteen hundred and four. · Ormca or Postnnsrmz: For Postmaster, two thousand five hundred m§¤·gc¤¤·°¤· ¤¤¤¤# dollars; assistantpostmaster, two thousand dollars; twelve messengers,' includin messenger to superintend transportation of mails, at one · thousand, two hundred dollars each; eight messengers, at one hundred dollars per month each during the session, five thousand six hundred dollars; and one laborer, seven hundred and twenty dollars; in all, twenty-five thousand two hundred and twenty dollars. For hire of horses and mail wagons for carrying the mails, two H°”*`*°*°° '"*8°¤•- thousand ive hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. Ormcux. anmxmus: For Eve official reporters of the roceedings R°P°"°*”¤ d°°**°°· and debates of the House, at five thousand dollars each; assistant official reporter, one thousand two hundred dollars; in all, twenty-six thousand two hundred dollars. For janitor for rooms of official reporters to debates and official stenographers to committees, seven hundred and twenty dollars. Srimooiurusns cro oommrrrmms: For three stenographers to com- coitemsiegcgvhers w mittees, at five thousand dollars each; assistant stenographer to committees, one thousand six hundred dollars; in all, sixteen thousand six hundred dollars. That wherever the words "during the session" occur in the fore- s,_;f?P'Qf;¤ mfg *2,*,*;; going paragraphs they shall be construed to mean the two hundred don. and seven ays from December seventh, nineteen hundred and three, to June thiitieth, nineteen hundred and four, inclusive. Fos cmnmc mam, Mnmsans Asn Dm.1·:oA·r1=:s: To pay Members and bgfgd ,§*e{g&_g_$¤¤· Delegates the amounts which they certigy they have paid or agseed to ` pay for clerk hire, necessarily employe by them in the disc rge of their official and representative duties, as dprovided in the jlpint resolu- VM- 27. v·7F·7. tion approved March third, eighteen hun red and ninety-t ree, House resolutions adopted May eight eighteen hundred and ninety-six, and January fifteenth, nineteen {hundred and two, and the deficiency appro- V¤\·80·1>-681 riation Act approved July seventh, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, ibur hundred and fifty-eight thousand eight hundred dollars or so much thereof as may be necessary; and Re resentatives and Delegates elect to Congress whose credentials in due horm of law have been duly filed with the Clerk of the House of Representatives, in accordance wit the provisions of section thirty-one of the Revised Statutes of the R-$·»#¤°·3¤·P-6· United States, shall be entitled to payment under this appropriation. Fox CONTINGENT Exrmnsns, NAMELY: For wrapping paper, paste- Cggg§¤I;;{g$,¥;*L®· board, paste, twine, newspaper wrappgrs, and other necessary mate- ` rials for folding, for the use of mem rs of the House, and for use in the Clerk’s office and the House folding room (not including envelopes, writing paper, and other paper and materials to be printed and fur-