Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/924

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FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 755. 1903. 859 sand eight hundred dollars. And said work shall be completed and rimeormmpisnen. geady to be printed on or before July tbirtieth, nineteen hundred and our. UNDER SUPERINTENDENT or rim CAPITOL BUILDING AND GROUNDS1 °’*i°* *¤€i¤°€*· M- For chief engineer, one thousand seven hundred dollars; three assistant engineers, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; six conductors of elevators, at one thousand one hundred dollars each, who shall be under the supervision and direction of the Superintendent of the Capitol Building and Grounds; laborer, eight hundred and twenty dollars; six Bremen, at nine hundred dollars each; electrician, one thousand two hundred dollars; laborer, one thousand dollars; four laborers, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; three cabinetmakers, who shall be skilled in their trade, one at one thousand two hundred dollars and two at nine hundred dollars each; and for the following from and including March fourth, nineteen hundred and three, for service in old library portion of the Capitol: Two attendants at the rate of one thousand two hundred dollars r annum each, and two watchmen at the rate of nine hundred dollgrs per annum each; in all, thirty-one thousand seven hundred and seventy-six dollars and sixty-six cents. Cnnmis AND MI·:ss1·:Ne1¤ns TO oommrtrrmnsz For clerk to the Com- g,2‘§{,k“,,0'Q,‘j,*,,{}‘,°§,€F“` mittee on Ways and Means, three thousand dollars; assistant clerk and stenogra her, two thousand dollars; messenger, one thousand two hundred dolllars; janitor, one thousand dollars; clerk to the Committee on Appropriations, three thousand dollars, and one thousand dollars additional while the office is held by the present incumbent; assistant clerk and stenogradpher, two thousand dollars; messenger and assistant clerk, one thousan two hundred dollars; janitor, one thousand dollars; clerks to Committees on Accounts, A riculture, Banking and Currency, Claims, District of Columbia, Iglections, Numbers One, Two, and Three, Forei Affairs, Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Indian Affairs, Insuili Affairs, Invalid Pensions, J udiciary, Library, Merchant Marine and Fisheries, Military Affairs, Naval Affairs, Pensions, Post—Oflice and Post-Roads, Printin , Public Buildings and Grounds, Public Lands, Rivers and Harbors, Bevision of the Laws, War Claims, and clerk to continue Digest of Claims under resolution of March seventh, eighteen hundred and eighty-eight, at two thousand dollars each; assistant clerk to the Committee on the J udiciar , one thousand six hundred dollars; assistant clerk to the Committee on Har Claims, one thousand two hundred dollars; for janitors for rooms of the Commit- J°¤**°** tees on Accounts, Agriculture, Banking and Currency, Claims, District of Columbia. Elections, Numbers One, Two, and Three, Forei n Affairs, Interstate and Foreign Commerce, Indian Affairs, Insuger Affairs, Invalid Pensions, Judiciary, Library, Merchant Marine and Fisheries, Military Affairs, Naval Affairs, Post-Ofiice and Post~Roads, Pensions, Printing, Public Buildings and Grounds, Public Lands, Rivers and Harbors, and War Claims, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each, and said janitors shall be alppointed by the chairmen, respectively, of said committees, and sha perform all of the duties heretofore required of messengers detailed to said committees by the Doorkeeper; in all, ninety thousand two hundred dollars. For an assistant clerk to each of the Committees on Military Affairs and Naval Affairs, at six dollars per day each during the session, two thousand four hundred and eighty-four dollars. For thirteen clerks to committees, at six dollars each per day during G1erks_w committhe session, sixteen thousand one hundred and forty-six dollars. mi S°m°°‘ OFFICE or SImonAN·r—Ar-ARMs: For Sergeant-at-Arms of the House d${§v°*gQf**‘A’m”· of Representatives, four thousand five hundred dollars; deputy to the " Sergeant·at·Arms, two thousand dollars; cashier, three thousand dollars; paying teller, two thousand one hundred and fifty dollars; book-