Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/897

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832 FIFTY—SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 554. 1903. February 16. 1908- CHAP. 554.-An Act To amend an Act to add certain counties in Alabama to the ` northern districttherein, divide the said northern district, after the addition . of said counties, into two divisions, and to prescribe the times and places for holding con1:·tts|}l(::;em, and for other purposes, approved May second, eighteen hundred an

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Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re esentatifves of the United E1¤jg&§·¤*:b¤rg,j;*r; States of dmerica in Congress assembled, Thiit section two of an Act yuuem district. approved May second, eig teen hundred and eight -four, entitled “An V°l· “’· p' 18* Act to add certain counties in Alabama to the northern district therein, and to divide the said northern district, after the addition of said counties, into two divisions, and to prescribe the times and places for holdingf efiurts therein, and for other purposes," be amended so as to read as o ows: rm-ee eminem "S1·:c. 2. That the said northern district is hereby divided into tl1ree °*°'“°°· divisions, which shall be known as the northern, southern, and eastern soumm. divisions of the northern district of Alabama. The southern division Q,,°f"" ” mm"` of said northern district shall include the counties of Sumter, Greene, 4**4 P- 821- Hale, Pickens, Tuscaloosa, Lamar, Fayette, Walker, J eiferson, Blount, Bibb, Shelby, Saint Clair and Dekalb, and a term of the circuit court and district court of the United States for said northern district shall be held for said southern division at the city of Birmingham, in the paid county of J eiferson, twice in each year, at the times provided_ by aw. mmm. “The eastern division of said northern district shall include the "°"” “° ·““‘*'°°“· counties of Etowah, Calhoun, Cleburne, Clay, Talladega, and Cherokee, and a term of the circuit court and the district court of the United States for said northern district shall be held for said eastern division in the city of Anniston, in the said countyof Calhoun twice in each imma-¤. year, on the first Mondays in May and ovember. The remaining ‘""" " m counties of said northern district shall constitute the northern division thereof, and the terms of the circuit and district courts of the United States for said northern district shall be held therein at the times and places prescribed by law. " kisting1•w¤¤g}>li— Sec. 2. That this Act shall be in force from its passage, and all other j'§,':_°’° °°“'°"' "` provisionsof theActaforesaid, approved May second, eighteen hundred V°*· Zi P- *8- and eighty-four, and all Acts amendatory thereof not inconsistent with this Act, shall remain in full force and effect, and so far as they are a licable shall relate to and vern the eastern division of the northern 1 a. diinItr'ct of Alabam go 00**** *°°m*· Sec. 3. That a place for holding the courts for the eastern division . of the northern district of Alabama shall be furnished to the Government free of cost by the county of Calhoun until other provision is made therefor by law. 1¤¢¤r¤¤f v¤`·¢·‘=···- Sec. 4. That all civil process issued a ainst ersons residents in said counties of Etowah, Calhoun, Cleburne, Clay, 'lglladega, and Cherokee, and cognizable before the United States courts, shall be made returnrmsecuuons. able to the courts, res tively, to be held at the city of Anniston; and all prosecutions for ogetiises committed in either of said counties shall be tried in the appropriate United States court at the city of Anniston. Pending cm Sec. 5. That all)cases, civil and criminal, now pendin on the dockets of the southern division of the northern district of Alaiama, as herein created, shall remain on the docket of the southern division of said district and be tried in Birmingham, Alabama, unless transferred to the dockets of the eastern division of said district by consent of all the parties thereto entered of record, or unless transferred by the order of court for good cause shown. Uhm- Sec. 6. That the clerks of the circuit and district courts of the southern division of the northern district of Alabama shall maintain an office in charge of themselves or a deputy at said city of Anniston