Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/887

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822 FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Gus. 538, 539, 542, 513. 1903. by the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad and will provide and maintain suitable crossings opposite those already provided by the S”“°*°“· said Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad; that the san} Oklahoma City and Western Railroad Company will build and maintain a suitable station house near the station of the Chicago, Rock Island and Sm ””°k· Pacific Railroad; that the Oklahoma City and Western Railroad Com- " puny will provide suitable and sufficient side track at their stamon end will construct and maintain sufficient stock pens and provide suiiiment

   facilities for loading and unloading cattle and horses on the ground set

”gg{‘;§§jj§°§m “"‘h apart for their station: Provided ]clL7‘¢lL67'., That the seul Oklahoma Y City and Western Railroad Company shall comply Wlth such other regulations or conditions as may from time to time be prescribed by the Secretary of Wa.r. Approved, February 10, 1903. F¤b1‘¤¤¤‘Y 10. 190% CHAP. 539.-An Act To establish a fog bell and lens-lantern light on the south-

 wstern end of Southampton Shoal, San Francisco Bay, California.

Be it enacted by t/ua Senate and House 0 f Representatives 0 f the United Ss§1°“§.’:;’;§j*;;S*§‘aF;· States of America in Congress assembled, That there be established on can ’ the southeastermend of Southampton Shoal, San Francisco Bu , Cali- ¤I§{§5f,tQ§"LY$°’°m"°s` fornia, a fo bell and lens-lantern light, at n. cost not to exeeedy thirty PMP- *°°*’·· thousand dcglars. Approved, February 10, 1903. Februmy 11,190:;. CHAP. 542.-An Act Granting to the State of California six hundred and forty

 acres of   in   of section   township seyen south, range eight east, San

’ Bernardmo meridian, State of Oahfornm, now occupied by the Torms band or wlluge of Mission Indians. Be it enacted by Hua Senate and House ofRq0re.semtat0ves of the Chéted

  • I;f·fg°¤;’};*;’;Q§·G“tk States (if’Am87’iCd in Congress assembled, That there be, and is hereby,

California in lieu of gmnte to the State of California six hundred and forty acres of land, l“”° °°°"*”°d by' to be selected by said State, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, from any of the unappropriatecbpublic lands of n0nm$n— eral character in said State, in lieu of section sixteen, township seven south. range eight east, Sun Bernardino meridian, State of California; and the selection by said State of the lands hereby grunted. upon the approval of same by the Secretary of the Interior, shall operate as a. waiver by the State of its right to said section sixteen, and thereupon said section sixteen shall become u part of the reservation heretofore set apart for the use and occupancy of the Torros band or village of Mission Indians. of southern California, under the provisions of the V<>¤· 2*1 P- 712 Act of Congress approved January twelfth, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, entitled "‘An Act for the relief of the Mission Indians in the State of C8lifoI'Di3,,’ according to the terms and subject to the conditions imposed by said Act. Approved, February 11. 1903.

3g¥2{¤¤¤ r>· {1     CHAP.  54Q.——· An Act Adjusting certain conflicts respecting State school indem-

[pubm NQ ,,13 mty selectmns m heu of school seetmns m abandoned mi imry reservations.

   Be it enacted by the Sfxmate and [Muse of Represen m¢z`¢:e.~y of the [Bader]

S(§}§’Q}f}’“§‘{Q’§émnif. 6'mtee of America in (,?mgresx awuxznblctl, That all State school indem- §g§;i·;%·;¤g £§y;>;{ nity selections in lieu of what are known as school sections in abanmilitary mmvazmus, doned militarg reservations made pursuant to the decision of the °°"”""“"~ Secretary of the Interior dated January twentyeighth, eighteen hun-