Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/860

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FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 399, 400, 402. 1903. 795 CHAP. 899.-An Act Providing for allotments of lands in severalty to the Indians F¢?¤'¤¤¤'Y 3» 1*’°3· of the Lac Oourtc Oreille and Lac du Flambmu reservations in the State of Wisconsin. Be it enacted the Senate and House of Resentattves 0 the United StateaqfAmen€einOonresaasae1rtblei‘ qw f Snort0N 1. That with the consent of the Chippewa Indians of Lake R§;°m°§,‘jf,'f’w‘§S{°’“° Supplrior, located on the Lac Courte Oreille Reservation in the State m-§}_1gh¢§¤<¤¤t¤f 1¤¤d¤ of isconsin, to be obtained in such manner as the Secretary of the °°°' Interior may direct, the President may allot to each Indian now living and residinfg on said reservation and entitled to so reside, and who has not hereto ore received an allotment not exceeding eighty acres of land, such allotments to be Subj act in all respects, except as to the age and condition of the allottee, to the provisions of the third article of V°'- ‘°· P- lmthe treat with the Chippewas of Lake Superior and the Mississippi, concluded September thirtieth, eighteen hundred and fifty-four. Sec. 2. That the provisions ofg section one of this Act shall also Rxgxnmvgmu under same terms and conditions appl to the Chippewa Indians of aimmni of mus Lake Suwrior located on the Lac u Tlambeau Reservation in the *°I“°°”"’ °f‘ State of isconsin. Approved, February 3, 1903. CHAP. 400.-—An Act To change and Hx the time for holding district and circuit February s, 19lB. courts of the United States for the eastern division of the eastern istiict of Arkansas. Be it enacted by the Senate amt House of R esentawvea of the United States af Amemea in Congress assembled, Tébzt the regular terms of gg1M S¤*¢g:gj=$; the United States district and circuit courts for the eastern division of judicial mmm. the eastern district of Arkansas hereafter be held at Helena, Arkansas, £$§f“,‘},Q,*?$,l,§'f“g58_ on the second Monday in March and the first Monday of October in PP- 9% 12*% ¤¤¤¤¤d°d- each year instead of the times now fixed by law. ' Sec. 2. That this Act shall take effect and be in force from and after E”°•=*- its passage. Approved, February 3, 1903. CHAP. 402.-An Act Providing for an additional district judge in the district of February 4, ma Mi°°°$°*·“· _T1>GBi1¤Tz$K nu.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rqwesentateives of the United . States of America in Cbrzresa assem , That there shall be in the dis· g,*mdu§)°:;*¤;§g;;g*:i trict of Minnesota an ad 'tional district judge, who shall be appointed alarm. by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Sgnate. ,,,’§gf,*’,Y{,‘{',§'{‘},,,‘2,{§j"°‘ and shall possess the same qualifications and have the same power and R-S·» M- M P-P6- jugisdicltion now prescribed by law in respect to the present district P<>¤¢»v- 1064- u e therein. 1 Sic. 2. That the senior circuit judge of the eighth circuit, or the eé>ivi¤¤<>¤ ¤f¤¤¤i¤¤¤¤ resident circuit judge within the district, shall make all necessary ` orders for the division of business and the assignment of cases for trial in said district. Sec. 3. That this Act shall take effect and be in force from and after “°°°·’¤*Y*· *9***- the first day of July, nineteen hundred and three. Approved, February 4, 1903.