Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/841

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776 F1F1‘Y-SEVENTH CONGRESS. sms. 11. cn. 196. 1903. Sections sixteen hundred and twenY-five to sixteen hundred and sixty, both inclusive, of Title sixteen of the Revised Statutes of the United States relating to the Militia, shall be allowed to retain their_ accuspomed piéivileges, subjtelpt, nplverltlielpss, to all other duties required by awin 1 emauneras eo er 111a. i '1`° be Sec. 4. That whenever the United States is invaded, or in danger of eie.°°°°invasion from any foreign nation, or of rebellion gainst the authority of the Government of the United States, or the resident is unable, with the other forces at his command, to execute the laws of the Union in any part thereof, it shall be lawful for the President to call forth, for a period not exceeding nine months, such number of the militia of the State or of the States or Territories or of the District of Columbia as he may deem necessary to repel such invasion, suppress such rebellion, or to enable him to execute such laws, and to issue his orders for that purpose to such omcers of the militia as he may think proper. ,_f;';'ém§,f°'"“ *° Sec. 5. That whenever the President calls forth the militia of any State or_Terr1tory or_ of the District of Columbia t0_ be employed in the service of the United States, he may spec1fyin his call e period for which such service is required, not exceeding nine months, and the militia so calleél shall cgntinuedto spryle during the term so specified, unless sooner ischarge by or er o the resident. —*PP°’“°'”°°”‘· Sec. 6. That when the militia of more than one State is called into the actual service of the United States bg the President he may, in his discretion, a rtion them among such tates or Territories or to the District of Cgliimbia according to representative population. ¥""“*”¢*”- Sec. 7. That every officer and enlisted man of the militia who shall be called forth in the manneiil h1ereinbeforerp‘;·escdbed sm shalltlbe found lit for military service s a be muste or accep into e United States service by a duly authorized mastering officer of the men, M N United States: , lzowever, That any officer_or enlisted man of fum! wmswer M11- the militia who shall refuse or neglect to present himself to such mustering officer ppon being callefl fogthh als perein plregcribed lshall be subject to tria y court—martia , an s a e punis e as suc courtmartial may direct. w‘j,‘;,‘gj,{,j,;f_“*"‘°‘· Sec. 8. That courts-martial for the trial of officers or men of the militia, when in the service of the United States, shall be composed of militia officers on y. g,,·§Q'{.’,{"·"'¥"*"·*°"""’ Sec. 9. That the militia, when called into the actual service of the United States, shall be subject to the same Rules and Articles of War P ud U c as the regular troops of the United States. _ °" " °"'"“ °°· Sec. 10. That the militia, when called mto the actual service of the United States, shall, during their time of service, be entitled to the same IpayA and allowances as are or may be provided by law for the Re u ar rmy. p_‘;Q*jmm°¤°°¤°¤* °‘ §mo. 11. That when the militia is called into the actual service of the United States, or any portion of the militia is accepted under the provisions of this Act, their pay shall commence from the day of their mPmr:v¤¤¤• mneudi- appparinigbsgt thetplzpletgf cp1m,p1anyarendezvpEus.f But this provision · s no con ru au ze ny spec s o expen ure previous to arriving at such places of rendezvous which is not provided by _ existing laws to be paid after their arrival at such places of rendezvous. ,Q§*g‘,‘:,’g*g,‘i,'}"“‘“ Sec. 12. That there shall appointed in each State, Territory and 1>¤¤¤¤£ District of Columbia, an Adjutant-General, who shall 'Ferform such duties as may prescribed by the laws of such State, erritory, and District, respectively, and make returns to the Secretary of W ar, at sigcli times gd im stulph form_;sdhe frolm gmc tpk time prescribe, o thesren o eorgam m1 an a m esuch re rts B°P°'*'*° °°”8'°** as may from time to time be reéjluired by,the Secretary of War. That the Secretary of War shall, wi his annual report of each year, transmrt to Congress an abstract of the returns and reports of the adj utants-