Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/817

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FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Rus. 44-47. 1902. 751 [No. 44.] Joint Resolution Authorizi the Secretary of War to furnish con- 1013*1-190%- demned umnon for a monument to the soxldiers of Worcester County, Massachusetts, who served in the war for the Union, to be surmounted by an equestrian statue of ° the late Major-General Charles Devens, United Stat »: Vohmteers. Resobved by the Senate and House oi R esentatives of the United States of America in Congress assemb d, ¥l7iat the Secretary of War d,f,‘j““,§‘}°“{,,°Q•,=°:g be, and he is. hereby, authorized to deliver to the governor of the State Count;. Mass. ' of Massachusetts at such place as he shall designate, if the same can be mgm °°‘“°°“ done without detriment to the public service, such condemned bronze cannon as he may deem proper, not to exceed fifteen thousand unds in weight, to be used in the erection of a monument to the soldigrs of Worcester County, Massachusetts, who served in the war for the Union, to be surmouute by an equestrian statue of the late Major-General c,§f,“,‘;°;jvfgg; Gm- Charles Devens, United States‘Volunteers. Approved, July 1, 1902. [No. 45.] Joint Resolution Providing for the removal of shod in North River of ·1¤1Y 1»1902- New York Harbor. [Pub. Res., Nc. 46.] Resobved by the Senate and House ££dR¥>·resen.tatines of the United · States o_fAmerica in Oong;·ess assem , hat the Secretary of War gg;‘f<;j$_iH_¤;_r0b:lrin is hereby authorized and 'rected to cause to be removed the rock or mma aim. obstruction in North River of New York Harbor near Pier Numbered One to a depth of fortiy feet at mean low tide; and that for such {mgm of ·m>¤> removal he is hereby authorized to divert a sum not exceeding twenty- P am, ;3. usa five thousand dollars from the amounts heretofore appropriated or authorized for the improvement of Ambrose Channel, in said harbor. Approved, July 1, 1902. [No. 46.] Joint Resolution Authorizing cer‘ain temporary repairs to the Aqueduct -1 ul? r 100% Bridge, District of Columbia. A]-Pub. Res., No. 46.] Resolved by the Senate and House £>£lR¥»v·eseoztati»ves of the United States o_£` America in Congress assem , hat the Secretaarlyl of War {{'§'p‘Q,°,Q$ff,°,{‘,{';g,‘{,‘Q, be, and e is hereby, authorized to spend an amount not exce `ng three Brgkseh N thousand dollars from the balance o appropriations made for the recon- ’ ‘ p` ` struction of pier number four of the Aqueduct Bridge, District of Columbia, for the purpose of the examination of, and immediate temporary repairs to, the remaining piers of said bridge in cases of need arising from ilood or ice. Approved, July 1, 1902. - mENo. 47.] Joint Resolution Reapproplriating and melting available an unexpended July 1, im ance of appropriations for work on the Capitol bmldmg. Resobved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assemble , That the uuexpended balance, 0¤P1*·°1· amounting to six thousand six hundred and fifty-eight dollars and mlwnrgcgggrdmxnin seventy cents, of the appropriation for reconstructing and fire·prooting pp P ` the roof of the central portion of the Capitol buil ing, made by the V°*- **1-1*u* Sundry Civil appropriation Act approved March third, nineteen hundred and one, is hereby reappropriated and made available for the fiscal year nineteen hundred an three. Approved, July 1, 1902.