Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/811

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FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. RES. 31-34. 1902. 745 The item of seventy thousand and sixty-four dollars and forty-eight RQ,-Q';‘gQ‘es°“d “`h“° cents appropriated by the Act which is hereby supplemented and Payment of claims. modified, to be paid to the Uintah and White River tribes of Ute A"”’ p' M Indians in satisfaction of certain claims named in said Act, shall be paid to the Indians entitled thereto without awaiting their action upon the proposed allotment in severalty of lands in that reservation and the restoration of the surplus lands to the public domain. Approved, June 19, 1902. [No. 32.] Joint Resolution Authorizing the Secretary of War to fumish con- June 25,1902. demned cannon for an equestrian statue of the late Major~General William J. Sewell, United States Volunteers. ’ ‘ ‘ Resolved by the Senate and House of Re esentatlves of the United States of America ln Congress assembled, Tbgt the Secretary of War w§§’;f,‘Q,§ j’*S{,‘:,Q,f*°”· be, and he is hereby, authorized to deliver to the governor of the State f 0<>¤<1¤¤¤{¤cd cannon of New Jersey, at Trenton, New Jersey, if the same can be done °r` without detriment to the public service, such condemned bronze cannon as he may deem proper, not to exceed fifteen thousand pounds in weight, to be used in the erection of an equestrian statue to the memory of the late Major-General William J. Sewell, United States Volunteers. Approved, June 23, 1902. [No. 33.] Joint Resolution Providing for the publication of two hundred thousand June 24. 1902. copies of the Special Report on the Diseases of the Horse. " Resolved by the Senate and House of Re resentatlves of tbe United _ States of America in Congress assembled, qhat there be rinted and Hl,’,§,§_"““°* 0* “‘° bound in cloth two hundred thousand copies of the Specialllteport on ,_P¤g>1i9¤ri0¤} of rethe Diseases of the Horse, the same to be first revised and brought up Iii? lp9m' Rpm to date, under the supervision of the Secretary of Agriculture, one D‘s‘"b““°“· hundred and twenty-eight thousand copies for the use of the House _ of Representatives, sixty-four thousand copies for the use of the Senate, and eight thousand copies for the use of the Department of Agriculture. Approved, June 24, 1902. [No. 34.] Joint Resolution Amending "An Act to increase the limit of cost of ·'¤¤<*24.1902. certain public buildings, to authorize the purchase of sites for {public buildings. to authorize the erection and completion of public buildings, and or other purposes," approved June sixth, nineteen undred and two. Resolved by the Senate and Elouse of Re esentallves of the United States of America in Congress assembled, Tdart the law (Public, Num- b£,$:i'>¤€ rublic bered One hundred and forty-sixg entitled “An Act to increase the comcgligiis limit of cost of certain public bui dings, to authorize the purchase of sites for public buildings, to authorize the erection and completion of public buildings, and for other (purposes," approved June sixth, nine- AM. p. 310- teen hundred and two, be amen ed so as to transpose the Iprovision for a United States post-office and courthouse at Scranton, ennsylvania, S¤¤¤¤¢¤¤. Pa. from section four to section one; and the rovisions, res tivelv, for the United States post~office at Moberly, glissouri, for Uiiited States M<>ber1y,Mo. post-oflice at Columbia, Missouri, and for the United States post-office C<>1¤mbi¤.Mc. and other governmental offices at Crookston, Minnesota, be transferred C¤>0kS1¤¤.Miu¤. from section four to section five of said Act. Approved, June 24, 1902.