Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/76

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10 FIFTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 17. 1902. mfk“*;,Bej*m“”°§_· sl- For removal of the wreck of the crib on which was exhibited light `numbered twelve, at the foot of the shoal just above the head of Russell Island, Saint Clair River, Michi n, nine hundred dollars. _ m*;§M°'*°k M— $Y· The accounting omcers of the Treasury are authorized and directed own: ummm to allow and credit in the account of Commander Frederick M. Symonds, United States Navy, inspector of the Ninth light-house district, for the third and fourth quarters of the fiscal year nineteen hundred and one, the amount of five hundred and ten dollars and seventy-five cents, paid by him from the appropriation “Supplies for light-houses, nineteen hundred and one," and the amount of sixteen dollars and seven cents, paid by him from the appropriation “Salaries of keepers of light-houses, nineteen hundred an one," for the hospital, surgical, medical, and traveling expenses of the keepers of Squaw Island wt Station Michigan, said exipenses having been specifically authoby the Secretary of the reasury and the Light»House Board, the same not to invo ve the further payment of money from the Treasury. Rims and assay _ . MINT8 AND ASBAY OFFICES. Sw Pr~¤¤i¤¤<>. <¤¤- Mmm sr SAN Fmucrsco C.u.1ronNu: For wages of workmen and adjustons, two thousand doliars. ¤¤·¢¤¤·W·¤¤- Assn onion AT Smrrm, Wasnmorouz For incidental· and contingent expenses, two thousand dollars. o pay amounts found due by the accounting officers of the Treasury on account of the apfproplriation “Wages and contingent expenses, assay office at Seattle/’ or e fiscal years as follows: For the fiscal year nineteen hundred and one, eighty-three dollars and thirty-six cents. · For the fiscal year nineteen hundred, fifty-seven dollars and sixty- · two cents. myyudvwudem rms- INDEPENDENT TREASURY. i S1>w¤\ ¤8¤¤¢¤,¤Y¤· For salaries of special agents, and for actual expenses of examiners detailed to examine the books, accounts, and money on hand at the several subtreasuries and depositories, including national banks actin as depositories under the requirements of section thirty-six hundred ng- S.. we 3649. 1>· and orty-nine of the Revised Statutes of the United States, also ° including examinations of cash accounts at mints, three thousand dollars. -1-mussel. GOVERNMENT IN THE TERRITORIES. gggmlvrggiex nm Tmmrronr or Oxmuoma: For contingent expenses of the Terrig W " torlyé to be expended by thelgovernor, one thousand dollars. $;L¤é¤¤;m' X Emronr or Amzomi: or contingent expenses of the Territory, ng ° °°"°°°' to be expended by the glavernor, five hundred dollars. xyifggéggk ms Tmmrronr or New Exrco: For contingent expenses of the Ter- °°ritory, to be expended by the governor, five hundred dollars. FM <*¤¤¤¤=¤i<>¤- ‘ FISH COMMISSION. ,]f"°'°·"*"·~""°“‘ For the purchase of land for site for the fish-hatching and fishi'<>1- 31. v-um. culture station authorized at Tupelo, Mississippi, by the sundry civil appropriation Act approved March third, nineteen hundred and one, two thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. Sgwg; Bggécggl For the completion of the Marine Biological Station of the United N. c' States Commission of 'Fish and Fisheries at Beaufort, North Carolina, including the construction of buildings and wharfs. the purchase and installation of pumping and electric-light plant, and equipment of the station, twelve thousand five hundred dollars.