Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 32 Part 1.djvu/664

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598 FIFIY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 1352. 1902. mfn°g;°¤l¢*1 P°* °”‘ For Kenesaw avenue, entrance to Zoological Park, grading (and samsung gi-men the Commissioners of the District of Columbia are authorized to ad] ust

  • ’""· P- W- the lines of the streets at this locality so as to afford an entrance to the

Zoological Park upon good and satisfactory grade, with authority to exchange with the owners of the abutting property any land now within the lines of said streets that may be necessary to accomplish MM- said pu : Provided, That no expense is incurred thereby by the mum United States or the District of Columbia), ten thousand dollars; Flpr Eleventh street extended, grade and improve, fifteen thousand dol rs· For New Hampshire avenue, Whitney avenue to Seventh street £Bri(ghtw3o;l1aavenue), grade and macadamize, thirteen thousand five un red o rs; - FOIéC{);1DBOtlCUt avenue extended, grade and macadamize, ten thousand ol rs; For Thirty-seventh street and other streets in B1u·leith subdivision, grade and pave, three thousand dollars; }?;{>rhWy<;1ming avelniipu west of Connecticut avenue, pave, four thousan t ree u o s; For Mintwood place, grade and pave, five thousand dollars; For Decatur street from Florida avenue to Massachusetts avenue, paving with asphalt, twelve thousand dollars; Q¤*¤°>’¤*°°*- For Quincy street northwest from Twenty-ninth street to Pierce mhn Mill road, five thousand dollars: P1·0m'ded, That all the land necessary ` therefor is conveyed to the District of Columbia_ and dedicated to public use; _ In all, one hundred and fifty-one thousand three hundred dollars. y g§_r_;g¤·m Rnrnns s·nuzn·rs, Avnxnns, AND ALLnrs: For current work of ’repairs of streets, avenues, and alleys, including resurfacing and repairs to concrete pavements with the same or other not inferior Street ¤¤¤w¤Y¤~ material, two hundred thousand dollars; and this appropriation shall be available for repairing the pavements of street railways when necessary; the amounts thus expended shall be collected from such rail- V°l· 2**, P· 1*- road companv as provided y section five of "An Act providinga permanent form of government for the District of Columbia," a proved June eleventh, eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, and shall be deposited to the cre it of the appropriation of the fiscal year in which they are collected_: _ _ · O Sidew¤1k¤.¤u·. For replacing and repairing sidewalks and cui bs around public reservations, and municipal buildings, ten thousand dollars. <r<>¤¤ry r¤¤d¤· Rmmms COUNTY ROADS! For current work of repairs of county roads and suburban streets, eighty thousand dollars. Bridges. Bnmons: For ordinary care of bridges, including keepers, oil, lamps, and matches, four thousand dollars. For construction and repairs of bridges, fifteen thousand dollars. Mwhmtts are MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE BRIDGE! For raising the grade of roadway °"° ‘°‘ and wing walls of culvert on the line of Massachusetts avenue across Rock Creek gletweenlpelmogt and the United States Naval Observatory roun , ten thousand o rs. Aqueduct image. Rnrgiins TO AQUEDUGT Bmmn: For reconstruction of pier numbered five of the Aqueduct Bridge across the Potomac River at Georgetown, District of Columbia, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War, sixty-five thousand dollars. pjignggg bxgdge Hionwsr maroon Acnoss P0·r0MAo Rrvnn: Section twelve of the ‘°-¤mmc,,“},,‘,‘},,,§,§f’,{; "Act to provide for eliminating certain grade crossings on the line of gj*°*>¤*“¤¤**¤==*¤¤<¤· the Baltimore and Potomac Railway Company in the city of Washvox. si, p. 772, ington, District of Columbia, and requiring said compan to de ress amended. · · fl'- .F and elevate its tracks, and to enable it to relocate parts o its rai road therein, and for other purposes," agproved February twelfth, nineteen hundred and one, is hereby amen ed by striking out therefrom the